10 Simple Ways Moms Can Treat Themselves

Moms have a never-ending list of things to do every day. When you’re not driving your kids to school and playdates, you’re balancing your work life and mental health. If it all feels a little too overwhelming, try these 10 simple ways moms can treat themselves without taking up too much of their time.

1. Buy Fresh Flowers

The next time you’re at the grocery store, pick up a bouquet of fresh flowers. They’ll add a pop of color to your kitchen or living room and remind you that life is worth celebrating. You don’t need anyone else to buy them for you or a special occasion to fill your home with their vibrant petals and fragrances.

2. Set a Lunch Date

Ask a friend to meet you for lunch out in town or at your house. You could even set a lunch date with a coworker in your office kitchen. The conversation will distract you from any stressors and give you time away for yourself. Recent research also found that socialization improves your long-term memory too, which is even more reason to meet a friend for a quick meal.

3. Start a Subscription Service

It seems like everyone has a favorite subscription service. For one monthly price, you could get something special delivered to your front door. It’s a simple way for moms to start a new routine specifically to treat themselves with their favorite things. Find a delivery service for wine, snack boxes or even spa products like bath bombs or lotions. Hide them away for yourself to have something private to enjoy when you get a quiet moment in the evening.

4. Make a Macchiato

Elevate your morning coffee routine by making a macchiato like a professional. It won’t add much time to your schedule and anyone can learn how to do it. Make your usual brewed coffee and add a teaspoon of steamed milk, plus your preferred flavored syrup. You’ll start your day with a delightful pick-me-up that doesn’t come with an expensive price tag.

5. Save Five Dollars

When you get your next paycheck, save five dollars in a separate account. If you do this every time you get paid, you’ll slowly build a slush fund for when you want to treat yourself. Spend it on a snack at the gas station or rent a movie on a Friday night at home.

It’s easier to spend money on yourself when it’s in small amounts and during impulsive purchases. Those purchases won’t hurt your budget if you plan for them by tucking away a few dollars here and there.

6. Practice Yoga at Home

There are tons of videos online for people who want to try yoga without commuting to a class. Practice a five or ten-minute routine to activate your parasympathetic nervous system and release any pent-up stress. It’s a simple way to relax while your children nap or eat lunch. If you get passionate about it, you’ll find new ways to work a class into your schedule because you care about making time for your newfound hobby.

7. Schedule a Sleepover

Older kids love sleeping over at a friend’s house, so schedule one for them. While they’re away for the night, you can enjoy a warm bath and listen to your favorite podcasts. Even a playdate that only lasts a few hours will give you time to yourself for however you want to relax. No one will interrupt while you read or sneak bites of what you’re baking because they’re having ufn elsewhere.

8. Assign Household Chores

Cleaning up the house takes up all of your free time. Assign household chores when your kids get old enough to do them. They could clean the dishes or vacuum the living room so you can take a break for a few minutes. Even if you just supervise them, there’s less work for you to do before the day ends.

9. Enjoy a Daily Walk

You can always treat yourself to something new with your kids by your side. Ask them to join you for a daily walk. Stretching your legs and getting some exercise gives you renewed energy that you might need to finish your day. It also prevents common health issues, so your family’s health remains strong.

10. Find a New Hobby

Learning something new restores your self-confidence. It’s also a way to have fun, instead of just juggling responsibilities all day. You could download a game on your phone or learn how to knit. Experiment with small hobbies that aren’t time-consuming to discover your preferences and form new skills.

Moms Can Treat Themselves Anytime

These are 10 simple ways moms can treat themselves even when they’re busy. Small steps like setting aside a few dollars or making your coffee differently could make your days more enjoyable. It all depends on what you love to do and which activities you find most relaxing.

Kalyan B Das

Kalyan is a web developer, a blogger and an online entrepreneur. He is the primary developer of this blog and takes care of all the technical happenings in this site

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