10 Smart Ways for Keeping Your Infant Healthy

So, you hear that you’re about to become parents and excitement is in the air! You start to plan several things in your head before your bundle of joy arrives – the clothes, crib, toys, diapers, etc. But what about their health? That should be your number 1 concern at all times. Babies are extremely sensitive, which is why you must go beyond your limit to protect them from harmful bacteria.

It is never easy to raise a child, as they are a huge responsibility. This may be difficult for you with your firstborn, but with time, you get used to it. We have made a list to help you keep your infant healthy and away from all kinds of health hazards.

Make Everyone Wash Their Hands

We are unaware of how many germs we encounter on a daily basis – you don’t want these germs to affect your baby. That is why it is important for you to make sure everyone washes their hands before they hold your baby.

Some may call you overprotective or paranoid, but ignore such comments and be strict about this rule. Don’t just apply this rule to others, but to yourself as well. Make sure to wash your hands every time you want to hold your child. This keeps your baby safe from common illnesses like flu and other viruses. If someone in your house is sick, ask them to maintain distance from your baby.

Watch Where You Take Them

We understand that as parents, you must be excited to take your baby out with you, but experts advise that in the first 2-3 months it is better to avoid taking your infant to crowded places. The reason is when you go to a place full of people, there is a high chance that some of them might be ill. Babies’ immune systems aren’t developed properly, which is why they can easily get the infection.

It is better to avoid places like malls, restaurants, or large family gatherings, at least for the first 2-3 months. Outdoor spaces are comparatively better, but you don’t want to risk other people coming too close to your baby. When your child is over three months, then is the right time to do all such activities.


Vaccines are important because they protect your baby from diseases and from other viruses like meningitis. Experts also advise, that because your infant can not get a flu shot until they are 6 months old, you can protect them by getting one yourself. It is good to get immunized once you have delivered the baby, and also ask your partner to get immunized as well.

Understand the Importance of Breastfeeding

According to research, breastfeeding has a great number of benefits for both infants and mothers. Many studies claim that babies who breastfeed for at least 1 year, grow up to be more intelligent and smart. A woman’s milk has antibiotics and nutrients which protect the infant from common viruses, lowers the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, and provides better health in their initial year. Skin-to-skin contact also has benefits on the emotional and physical state of the baby.

Avoid Accidents

Accidents, such as falling in school or home have a huge impact on your infant’s brain development, which is why it is important that you keep an eye on them. When you change their diaper, try to change it on the floor, and if they are on a higher surface, always keep a hand on them.

When they start to crawl, make sure you block unsafe places like stairs. Keep an eye on them when they play, and stay close in case they need you. Keep your house organized so they don’t trip easily, you can buy a Kaiby Baby Box to keep their toys in place. Make sure to put safety plus in electric sockets, and also use baby protection equipment on furniture and other pointy objects.

Teach Your Other Children How to Deal with the Infant

If you have other children at home, teach them how they should behave with their baby sibling. This includes things like washing their hands before touching the baby, covering their mouths when they cough or sneeze, etc. If your older child goes to school or daycare, there may be a chance of germs coming home, if you educate them about why they must clean up before playing with their sibling, it will keep your baby healthy.

Go to the Doctor

Babies can’t talk, but they always let you know that something is wrong by crying. Consulting a doctor is always better than trying to make them stop on your own.

Expose them to the Sun

Vitamin D is a very important nutrient for your baby’s health, and there is no better way of getting it from the sun. Vitamin D helps your infant’s skin development, improves their sleep cycle, and boosts their brain function. In summer, you can easily take them outside under the sun. Experts say that parents should sit with their baby near a sunny window for at least 20 minutes.

Always Remember that You Are the Parent

Sometimes relatives or friends can make you feel bad about being overprotective but do not let this bring you down. Always remember that you are the parent — your baby’s health is your responsibility, and you have the right to carry out that responsibility however you wish to do so.

Don’t Worry Too Much

The most important thing is not to worry too much. Eventually, you will see how your mental health can affect your baby’s health. Try to stay calm, even when things don’t look good. Believe in yourself, that you are capable of taking care of your child’s health.

Once you become a parent, nothing in this world matters more than your dear child. Your life starts to revolve around them and all you want to do is to protect them. These were just a few ways to keep your baby healthy, there are many other ways you can watch out for your infant’s health!

Cristy Venus

I worked in sales for 20 years, learning the positive aspects of people and how to learn from their experiences. I like writing articles, exploring tech, eating and travelling.

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