12 Tips for a Stress-Free Home Remodel

So you’re considering fixing up your home but don’t want to deal with the added stress that comes along with it. Totally understandable. No one wants to set their home up for failure or start a small project only to make the dreadful discovery that more work is needed than you initially expected. Help keep your mind at ease during your home renovation with these stress-free tips.

  1. Have a Plan B

Always be prepared. Along with renovations come high expectations. You should be prepared during the renovation process if anything goes wrong. If you paint the living room a burnt orange because you thought it would be cute during your Thanksgiving meal, and come to the realization that there are 11 other months in the year … well, have a back-up paint color.

During a renovation, you don’t know what might go wrong. You’ll thank yourself for having options when things don’t go as you planned.

  1. Know Your Limits

Homeowners often think to themselves, “That’s so easy, I can do that myself.” Then disaster strikes. If you’re experienced with flooring, of course you can go ahead and install new hardwood yourself. However, if you have no idea what a “load-bearing wall” is, then maybe you should leave demo-day to a contractor.

Keep your DIY renovations reasonable and know what should and shouldn’t do yourself for home renovations. You don’t want your significant other’s head to spin all the way around because you tried to install your own electrical outlet and the carpet accidentally caught on fire.

  1. Keep a Strict Budget

Nothing will stress you out more than having to put more money into a project and having to spend more than you budgeted for. That’s why you need to plan your remodeling budget and stick to it. Account for extra costs you don’t know about yet that might pop up out of nowhere during the remodel.

You don’t want to be surprised when your savings has gone down to $12.07 just because you didn’t budget for that toilet leak or the contractor finishing your hardwood floors with the wrong stain.

  1. Leave It to the Pros

There are definitely renovation projects you can handle on your own, but then there are the projects you absolutely need a contractor for. Do your research for things you should know before hiring a contractor, so there are no unexpected issues when you do find a contractor to hire.

Working with contractors can be difficult, so you want to make sure you hire someone you trust. Ask around in your neighborhood or among your friends for referrals.

  1. Be Patient

Depending on the renovation, it could take months. Don’t expect to have the job done in one day or even in a week. Home remodeling projects have an average timeframe of between 3 weeks to 5 months if all goes according to plan.

When it comes to the time frame of your home renovation, you have to be patient and account for extra time if anything were to happen and set back the project.

  1. Get the Warranty

On a rainy day, you need an umbrella to stay dry. In the same way, your home needs an umbrella, and it’s called warranty. Whatever home remodel you do, make sure that you’re covered.

Custom designed garage doors often offer a warranty. Other appliances like air conditioners, ovens, and refrigerators also typically offer warranty options and you should take full advantage of them.  If anything happens that the warranty covers, you’ll be safe. This will ease your stress during the renovation to know that you didn’t waste time remodeling something only to have to pay to fix it later on down the road because you didn’t get a warranty.

  1. Expect Setbacks

In every home renovation process, you can expect at least one thing to go wrong. Don’t sweat the small stuff that only takes an extra day or two, but don’t be surprised when you have to wait another three weeks for the right countertop to come in for your kitchen remodel.

Consider the setbacks the lemons of your home renovation, and the finished product the sugar and water. In the end, you’ll have lemonade, and a new and improved home too.

  1. Have a Backup Fund

So you prepare for extra time needed during the renovation, but did you prepare for extra money needed? Maybe you accounted for a few extra expenses in your budget, but you didn’t account for the foundation to be unstable or dry rot in the walls. Give your budget a reality check for your home renovation planning.

There’s no mistake in double-checking the budget. And then doing it again. Maybe one more time.

  1. Be Flexible

Having high expectations for your renovations will only set you up for stress, stress and more stress. Be flexible with your choices, your time frame and even the budget. It’s okay to want to create your dream kitchen, but that may take a few months to do.

As long as you are fine with things not going exactly how you planned them, you will be less stressed. Let your mantra be “c’est la vie” which is a French term for “that’s life,” because when you want to knock down that wall, and it’s load-bearing, that’s life.

  1. Step Outside

Do yourself a favor and take a breather. During the renovation process, don’t be afraid to step away from it for a little while. When your kitchen is covered in dust and has no cabinets or appliances, go outside. The fresh air will help calm you down in any stressful situation.

No matter what you do, don’t sweat the small stuff. Always get fresh air when you feel overwhelmed or upset throughout the process.

  1. Make up Your Mind

During the remodeling, you will have so many home improvement choices to make. Give yourself time to think about all of your options. Make sure you are confident in your final decision so you don’t have to go back and make changes.

You don’t want to choose a brown backsplash for your kitchen and later decide it clashes with your black appliances. Make up your mind before you choose to go through with the remodeling.

  1. Keep the Big Picture in Mind

No matter what project you choose to remodel your home with, always remember the end result. You’re remodeling your home to make it just the way you want it. Your home is where you spend most of your time, so you want it to be comfortable and customized to your preferences.

Don’t give up because a project seems like it will take too long, or because project setbacks scare you. By keeping the important details in mind and understanding the reality of home renovations, you can prepare yourself for a stress-free home remodel.

Kalyan B Das

Kalyan is a web developer, a blogger and an online entrepreneur. He is the primary developer of this blog and takes care of all the technical happenings in this site

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