3 Home Dental Remedies Your Dentist Will Approve Of

Seeing a dentist regularly is important, but you can also take care of your oral health at home with natural remedies. These home remedies are approved by most dentists and can help prevent certain dental problems in between visits. You don’t have to pay a ton of money for all natural remedies. Most of these are made with ingredients found in many homes.

Say goodbye to disappointing looks from your dentist. Smile bright and confidently on your next visit. Here are three home dental remedies that will earn your dentist’s approval.

Clove Oil for Tooth Pain

If you have naturally sensitive teeth or a problematic tooth that you’re not able to have taken care of right away by a dentist, clove oil can offer you fast relief. The clove buds that are used to make the oil contain natural analgesic properties that block some of the body’s pain receptors. Try soaking a cotton ball in this oil and apply it to an aching tooth to see if the pain goes away or at least lessens. Bite down on the cotton ball to hold it in place and leave it on the tooth for a few minutes.

Son you should feel relief and the pain should be subsided. Make sure to read the bottle of clove that you have to ensure that it is for topical use. It is always important to read the directions and warnings on any substance you expose your body to.

Coconut Oil and Baking Soda for Toothpaste

A dentist such as Kemper, William E emphasizes the importance of brushing teeth regularly to maintain healthy oral care for life, but some commercial toothpastes contain ingredients and chemicals that are not always the safest. You can make natural toothpaste at home using coconut oil and baking soda. Just mix two tablespoons of coconut oil with two tablespoons of baking soda to make a paste. You can also add a few optional drops of peppermint oil to give your mouth an even fresher feel.

Make Your Own Mouthwash

If chronic bad breath is your problem, you can freshen it up by making your own mouthwash. Making mouthwash at home may be a better alternative if you haven’t had any luck with store-bought mouthwashes. Mother Earth News suggests mixing a teaspoon each of rosemary, peppermint and lavender. You can then place a teaspoon of this concoction into a cup of boiling water. After 15 minutes, strain the water into a container and use the remedy as a mouthwash after it cools.

Other Considerations

None of these natural remedies should take the place of seeing a dentist, but these homecare dental aids can definitely improve your oral health. If you notice any persistent pain inside your mouth or are experiencing a lot of bleeding or gum inflammation, see your dentist as soon as possible.

Using any of these dental homecare methods can supplement your care regimen and enhance your oral health. These homecare remedies are made with natural ingredients that are known for their health benefits and can help keep your teeth and gums safe.


Meghan Belnap

I'm a freelance writer who enjoys spending time with her family. I love being in the outdoors and exploring new opportunities whenever they arise.

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