3 Ways to Help Your Kids Be More Creative

If you have kids, then you want to create the best lives possible for them. And creativity is one of the greatest gifts that you can help them achieve. However, it can be confusing as to how to promote this in their daily lives. Therefore, to help you, here are three ways you can use to help your kids be more creative:


Old School Parenting

There are downsides to the way that most parents just give in to technology. They let their kids sit in front of the tv, smartphone, tablet, or computer all day. Add video games into the mix and kids are not getting the right messages.


Instead of learning to be more creative, they think that tech will provide this for them. Instead, consider giving them something like Dragon Ball z toys so they can keep themselves occupied for ages. They will learn to play with physical objects. Not only does this inspire more creativity, but it also helps with hand-eye coordination and dealing with being alone.


When you go a little more old school and give your kids toys to play with, you are using classic techniques that have worked for centuries. Tech certainly has a great place in the lives of people everywhere. But young developing minds need to explore with more basic things rather than being babysat by electricity.


Have a Craft Night

A great creative thing you can do is have a craft night with your kids. You can set time aside in advance to make sure that there are no other obligations from work, school, or their friends. For a great craft night, try to get away from technology once again and make it something more analog.


For instance, making clay figures is a very fun activity that your kids will love. They can express their own creativity and use their imagination to the fullest. They can even make their very own set of clay people! Other great ideas are finger painting, food crafting, or using wood sticks to create houses.


Anything that you can come up with will get the job done. The point is to spend more time with your kids and guide them through the creative process. This way, they will learn that they can have fun using their own brain and not just something that already exists. It’s not that there is anything wrong with that. But balance is the key to more creativity.


Introduce Them to New Ideas and Experiences to Spur Creativity

Get out of the house and try new things in a new environment. When your kids are in a new place, it changes the way their brain works. They are creating new maps of ideas, concepts, shapes, and more. All of this contributes to creativity.


One great, and free, activity is going to the museum. You can usually find several days per week where entry is free for kids and thus you don’t have to spend money to have a creative adventure. Let them explore the different areas and ask questions about how things were made or why they are a certain shape.


Also, don’t forget that physical play can be a creative outlet. Some kids might like basketball while others prefer swimming. The point isn’t to narrow them down to one sport. Instead, let them choose a new sport or outdoors activity that they have always wanted to try. Then, watch as their eyes light up during the first time they play it.


Helping your kids be more creative is one of the best feelings you can have. However, as a busy parent, you already have so much more on your plate. From keeping them fed, to helping with their schoolwork, to making sure they are safe, it is a lot to handle. So don’t reinvent the wheel. Use the three tips above and help your kids bring out their true inner creativity so they can shine.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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