4 Home Improvement Projects That Are Better to Hire for Than DIY

Even if you consider yourself to be handy with a hammer and screwdriver, you may not be able to fix everything that goes wrong at your home. Should you choose to try anyway, you may find yourself creating even more problems along the way. Rather than risk injuring yourself or doing damage to your home, always hire a professional to tackle the following four home improvement projects.

Electrical Work

When it comes to most major electrical work within a home, it is always best to leave it to the pros. Since there are many codes and regulations associated with electrical wiring, not knowing what you are doing can present many problems. Along with possibly putting yourself at risk of being severely shocked while doing the work, you may also inadvertently create a fire hazard within your home by rewiring incorrectly. For projects like removing or adding electrical outlets or even hanging a new light fixture, it’s best to hire out if you don’t have prior experience.

Exterior Painting

While painting the exterior of a home may look as simple as just grabbing a paint brush and gallon or two of paint, it is far more complex than you realize, particularly if you are trying to whitewash brick, paint hard to reach shutters, or access any other hard to reach areas. In addition to making sure you create the look you want for your home’s exterior, there is the task of climbing ladders to get to various spots, which could lead to a fall and serious injuries. Rather than wind up in the ER, it’s much cheaper to hire an experienced painting contractor.

Driveway Repaving

If you happen to have a paved driveway at your home, it will need various repairs now and then. However, if you’ve never done this type of work previously, you may not know what you’re in for with this home improvement task. Not only will you need to know how to pave the driveway, you will need to know how to fill cracks or holes properly before paving. Should you make mistakes, you can wind up with a driveway that is not only not level, but also cracking and crumbling here and there and won’t stand up to the elements as well. To make sure you are parking your vehicle on a driveway that is in great shape, hire a pro who has experience and the proper tools for the job.

Plumbing Repairs

While you may have the DIY ability to replace a fixture or repair a small leak here and there, leave any major plumbing jobs to licensed plumbers. This is especially true if you are dealing with your water main or trying to replace pipes in your home, since one mistake could leave you dealing with substantial water damage. Rather than paying for costly repairs, pay what it takes to have the job done correctly from the start.

By choosing to use common sense and call in a professional to handle the big repair jobs at your home, you can prevent many unexpected, unpleasant, and costly surprises.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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