4 Quick Fixes for Plumbing Problems in Your Household

If you own a home or live in an apartment, you have encountered a plumbing problem. Whether your home is a new build or 80 years old, plumbing problems are the most common problems homeowners have to deal with. That being said, a lot of these common problems are easy to fix.

Running Toilet
A running toilet wastes money and water. One of the most common reasons a toilet runs is that the rubber flapper is old and is no longer keeping the water from leaving the tank. The best way to test this is to put a few drops of food coloring in the toilet bowl tank. Wait at least five minutes, and then check the bowel. If the water in the bowl changes color, then the flapper is the problem. If this is the case, then take the flapper with you to the store to find a replacement. There are only a few reasons why a toilet would be running, so be sure to check whatever you can when needed.

Leaky Faucet
A faucet that leaks every once in a while may seem like no big deal, but it adds up. And if the problem persists then it could become a much bigger problem. In some cases, you may need to call a plumber, but you may also be able to fix the issue yourself. The way to fix this problem is contingent on what is causing it. If it is the aerator, which is usually the case, it may just need to be taken off and cleaned. Leaky faucets do not seem like a big deal, but they can cost you lots of money in wasted water going down the drain. There is always time to conserve water when fixing leaky faucets.

Clogged Drain
A clogged drain is another common problem and seems to happen more often than others. It is also one of the easier plumbing problems to spot. If the water doesn’t go down the drain, then most likely there is a clog. If the clog is in the sewer line, you may need a professional to take care of it. If the clog is caused because of food buildup, hair, or foreign object, then there is something you can do. To fix it, you can use a plunger, a drain snake, or drain cleaner. Keep in mind that drain cleaners can mess up your pipes, so try not to use them so often.

Clogged Toilet
A clogged toilet is an irritating problem to deal with. A toilet can become clogged because of too much tissue or flushing foreign objects. To fix this problem, you can use a plunger, but that doesn’t always work. Some liquid plumbers can remove clogs depending on what the clog is.

These plumbing problems are the most common problems homeowners have to deal with. On the bright side, you can usually fix these problems without calling a plumber. As long as you try to figure out and fix the problem early, you may not need to call a plumber.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.