4 Reasons Why Your Husband Is Losing Energy and Motivation

Sometimes spouses in unhappy marriages are frustrated with trying to deal with a husband who lacks motivation and has experienced a decline in energy. This becomes apparent in areas like sex life, household chores, ambition at work, and even showing a disinterestin the kids. 


However, this doesn’t need to be a permanent or even long-lasting issue. Below are several reasons why a man begins to lose his energy and lack motivation and what can be done about them.

His Diet

What a man is putting into his body is going to be the first thing to assess with brain fog, lack of motivation and constant sleepiness during the day. Nutritional deficiencies are still present in the western world and overlooked by most average family doctors. The deficiencies can do a lot of harm, and they all have low energy levels in common for symptoms. Eating food devoid of essential nutrients or not getting enough calories can cause energy to seriously wane and constant fatigue to set in. Malnutrition is common among middle aged and older men who are involved in a physically sedentary but mentally busy and stressful work life.

Low Testosterone

Testosterone is the defining male hormone. It serves a crucial function in the husband’s physical and mental energy levels. It is important to realize it is natural for testosterone to decrease as a man ages, but there are instances when the decrease happens unnaturally fast and early. Fortunately, it can be treated. Local clinics treat male health problems and will often specialize in the treatment of low testosterone. More information can be found on websites like https://www.numalemedical.com.

Thyroid Conditions

The thyroid gland can suffer from a multitude of disorders, and they all have common symptoms of brain fog, constant fatigue and changes in appetite, which can cause dietary issues like the first reason discussed compounding and worsening the issues. Most importantly for informational purposes, the thyroid gland deals with hormone production. Additionally, it produces several hormones responsible for essential bodily functions and metabolism. Men of all ages can develop thyroid disorders, so if there is a sudden change in the husband’s energy and motivation, the thyroid gland could be the cause.


This particular reason is also complex and dangerous. One of the most dangerous aspects of depression is how unaware the increasingly tired and disinterested husband is about probably being depressed, and it can creep up on the husband for no discernible reason at all. However, it is sometimes possible he is very aware he has depression and embarrassed to say anything about it or seek treatment. Men are often less likely than women to seek treatment or even talk about being depressed. Start a candid conversation with your husband if you are worried about his mental health and want him to open up more.

There are several medical reasons above and lifestyle factors not mentioned, which husbands unwittingly have or engage in. These factors and bad health are the root cause of their decreasing energy and loss of motivation. These issues seem to either be more common in men or completely unique to them like the low testosterone issue. Patience with your husband and reading material explaining the problems will go further than fights and blame games. Fortunately, there is good news. Lifestyle changes can be made, and medical problems can be treated. Energy and motivation absolutely have the likelihood to return and possibly get better, and getting help while being civil and logical with one another is cheaper and less traumatic than a divorce.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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