4 Warning Signs That Indicate You May Need to Replace Your Tires

The importance of your tires cannot be overstated. After all, without properly functioning tires, none of the other safety systems on your car really matter. Therefore, it’s vital to ensure that your car’s tires aren’t in poor condition to the extent that it could put you and your passengers in danger. To help you avoid an accident, here are four warning signs that indicate you may need to replace your tires.

Cracks in Tires

The rubber in tires is a natural substance that can change over time. One problem with rubber is that it can dry out if it’s exposed to the sun’s UV rays for extended periods of time. If the rubber becomes too dry, the bonds holding the rubber together will separate, forming cracks. In addition to being unsightly, cracks put your tires at a much higher risk of failure while on the road. Therefore, if you notice any cracks, it’s important to have your tires inspected as soon as possible.

Penny Test Failure

Another sure sign that your tires are in need of replacement is that they fail the “penny test.” This test is simple: insert a penny upside-down into one of the tread grooves. If you can see the top of Lincoln’s head, then your tread is well past the point of replacement. Low tread can lead to reduced grip in wet road conditions and can cause your tires to explode, especially if you’re driving at high speeds.

Low Air Pressure

Low air pressure in your tires can be caused by a variety of things, some of which aren’t a cause for concern. However, when you notice low air pressure, it’s a good idea to have tire services inspect your tires to find the cause of the problem. Problems like a nail in a tire typically don’t require replacement. However, if your tires have low tread, have an issue with the valve stems, or are separating in one or more areas, it’s likely that your tires will need to be replaced.

Strange Noises

Strange noises coming from your tires could be a sign of a major problem. In many cases, tire noise is caused by low tire tread. In certain cases, the tires may be so worn that the steel belt begins to be visible, which will lead to a very noisy ride. Another big clue that something is wrong is if the noise continues to get louder as you drive, even if you don’t change your speed. If it does, you’ll want to pull over right away to prevent a blown tire that could lead to an accident.

Regular Checks

Given the importance of your tires to your safety on the road, it’s important to check on their health on a regular basis. You may even want to do a quick walkaround any time you plan to hit the road to ensure that no problems have developed while you’ve been away from your vehicle. It may seem like overkill, but you’ll be thankful you have good tires the next time you have to stop on a dime.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.

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