4 Ways to Stay Active and Positive While Cooped Up Indoors

People are presently being restricted from their normal routine. The majority of their time has been spent stuck at home. As the situation drags onward for more than a couple of months, it is normal for a person to start exhibiting cabin fever. Yet, for the safety of everyone else involved, they want to abide by the government imposed lock down being enforced. The following are four ways to make this experience a more active and positive one.

Taking up Meditation

When dealing with being isolated for long periods of time at home, it can be mentally encouraging to take up meditation. Meditation helps people to reflect on themselves and their well being. It also helps them to find the focus they need to keep an optimistic outlook. The great thing is it only requires a couple of 15-minute sessions each day. Taking this time to center yourself is especially helpful in fighting depression and anxiety caused by being kept indoors.

Taking up a Hobby

Being stuck at home for weeks on end provides a person with a lot of time to spare. This is the perfect opportunity to take up a new hobby. This could be a great time to learn how to cook more exotic dishes or to work on skills like sewing, gardening, woodworking or other useful activities. This will help tremendously with cabin fever, as it will break up the monotony of your routine and give you the sense of accomplishment that just living indoors often lacks.

Getting a Certification

With all this time at home, there has never been a better opportunity to put some positive energy towards advancing a person’s career. At least, that was the idea that came up in passing while listening to a couple positive podcasts offering useful self-improvement advice. There are many certification courses being offered online for a variety of industries, and one or more of these certifications could lead to a promotion. In fact, this could even be a good opportunity to look into a different industry that pays a more profitable wage if a person is looking for a change of pace when this lock down is finished.

Home Improvements

With work out of the way for a while, there is a lot of time to dedicate to making some improvements around the house. Maybe it is time to install a new bathroom floor, remodel the kitchen or finally turn the basement into an entertainment room for when company comes over for a visit. It is a good idea to take on these projects now while there is ample time to complete them.

What started out seeming like a lot of time stuck at home has passed by with amazing speed. This can easily happen when a person focuses their thoughts on achieving a fun or important objective. Now that it is time for everyone to get back to a normal routine, it is strange to realize that all a person needs is a little extra time to do some pretty awesome things with their life.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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