5 Essential Items for Every New Mother

Image Sources: Envato


Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! This is a time to be cherished. With everything coming at you it’s important to think of all the things you’ll need as you begin your path to becoming a new mom. Every new mom wonders what items she’ll need to get her through the first few weeks of post-pregnancy life. Whether it’s a top of the line breast pump or a body pillow that will help soothe post-delivery aches and pains, there is so much to think about. Below you will find some of the most important necessities you’ll need when you become a first-time mother.


Post-Partum Recovery


After just having your baby you will enter the so-called fourth trimester. During this period of time, your body must heal and recover after giving birth. You should be patient with yourself and use the right tools to aid your healing process. Expect for it to take several weeks for your body to readjust and begin its path to recovery.


Investing in a good peri bottle will make your recovery time more seamless and less painful. This little lifesaver is what you’ll need to the bathroom somewhat comfortably after giving birth. After all, your natural physique has just undergone a massive change. When using the bathroom, it is quite natural to have a burning sensation, especially if you gave birth vaginally. This little bottle will make the experience much more pleasant and will improve your overall recovery journey.


Another thing you’ll need just for you is a skincare regimen that is designed for a post-baby body. Skin creams and oils for post-partum women are unique and can often be found in kits. These kits contain a variety of items that include a mix of skin tightening cream, body butter, and oils designed to help your tummy get back to its natural shape. One favorite item of new moms that can be included in your kit and skincare regimen is a cream that assists with skin chaffing. Remember, you’ll likely be wearing a bra much of the time for the first month or two after giving birth. The chafing cream will help with wearing the bra and lessen skin irritation.


Breastfeeding Necessities


Breast pumps are an essential item for every new mom. And we all know that breastfeeding is the best for your little one! Working towards breastfeeding on a schedule is nearly impossible without a breast pump. It will help you to more evenly spaced feedings and help fathers participate in this time-honored process. Another great benefit to pumping milk is that your breast milk can stay good in a refrigerator for hours. This will allow you more flexibility to plan out your own schedule for work or relaxation. To learn even more about pumping you can visit https://www.womenshealth.gov/breastfeeding.


Be sure to check with your health insurance company before buying a breast pump. Many companies will now pay for one directly or provide you with a list of options that they will then provide reimbursement. This is especially true for moms who are on Tricare. There is a Tricare breast pump that many military moms rave about. You wouldn’t want that option to slip through your fingers if it’s available to you!


Also, remember to get nipple butter when you are gathering your nursing supplies. This often forgotten essential helps with the soreness and tenderness that comes with nursing for the first time. This cream is usually very inexpensive, and you’ll use it profusely throughout your time breastfeeding.


Relaxation and Sleep


And lastly, something that so many new moms overlook is the need to relax. You have already been through a harrowing journey by bringing your new bundle of joy into the world.


A white noise machine is recommended to help you get more sleep. If you were a hard sleeper before you had your baby, you may find that now you sleep less soundly. A white noise machine can help limit distractions by helping you and your little one get used to sleeping on a schedule. You can usually even find these types of machines with multiple sound settings. This can help you choose the most comfortable option.


Having a baby is a joyous occasion! With these essential items, you’ll be ready to begin your new role as a mom happily and healthily.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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