5 Essential Tips to Survive a Natural Disaster

Natural disasters are arising at an alarming rate just within the year 2018: three wildfires in California, Hurricane Michael in Florida Panhandle, Gulf Coast, Earthquake and Tsunami in the Island of Sulawesi mainly its central province, Palu, Hurricane Florence in US East Coast, Super Typhoon Mangkhut in Guam, and many more.  These events have demolished cities and killed thousands of people.  The aftermath left towards survivors, and the devastation it brought to communities have brought questions about what to do to survive in natural disasters like the abovementioned one.

No one wants to be caught in an extreme situation of a natural disaster.  But still, there are instances that it is possible to be captured by an emergency to be unable to leave a disaster-stricken place.  When you faced one of those situations, what should you do to stay safe? What choices will you make to survive? You have two options: stay put or bug out.  Whatever your options may be, it is essential to plan.

The following are the tips and advice on surviving a natural disaster.

Medical Safety Kit

Whether there is a natural disaster or not, your home should have assembled an emergency kit.  If you have gathered a medical safety kit, you can easily pull it out during emergency cases.  Inside the package, it should include the basic first aid things needed a saline solution to wash out wounds and bandages to cover them.

Why is it necessary? It is because it can be hard to find medical attention during a natural disaster, so you need to save yourself if wound cases happen.

Food and water

People can survive without food, however, if, with the absences of water, it will be hard to survive now. Once the electric power fails, the water will fail soon after.  And once you have all consumed the bottles of water, you needed more of it again.  So aside from the thought that to keep yourself from sweating, you need to reduce your activity and shelter under the heat of the sun, you need to find groundwater sources underneath green vegetation, rocks, canyons, dry riverbeds.  However, to make it easier for you more to sip any water if you are thirsty is to use Life Straw.  It will filter out the bacteria and other microorganisms in the water you will sip.  The Life Straw will make any water potable and safe to drink.

Meanwhile, if you have stored foods, the better, but make sure it is no-cook food.  As much as possible, bring with you ready-to-eat foods but not cup noodles.  Biscuits are okay but not sweet ones because it may require you with more fluids.  However, if you are in your home, make sure that you have stocked up a week’s supply of the necessary things you need.

Shelter Matter

If you have not been ordered to evacuate in your home, stay safe in your area and ready yourself for possibilities.  Do not double lock your gate or doors so that you can quickly get out if you needed too.  If you are in between to staying or moving out from your home, think more than twice because there are chances that you need to move out or not.  It could still depend on a lot of things mainly to where you are.  If you think you cannot survive from where you are, better try to gravitate towards other people.  There are no accurate answers to this because it is on a case-to-case basis.

However, if the local authorities have mandated and ordered everyone to move out and stay in the evacuation centers, better follow than be sorry.

 Important belongings

In a carry bag whether you prefer staying in your home or bugging out, you are in need to store necessary supplies and documents you need such as birth certificates, photo identification, medical cards, cash and extra checks, spare keys, a list of phone numbers, flashlight, matches, blankets, and other changes of clothing.  Just make sure it is stored in a waterproof carry bag or secure it with locked cellphones or disposable kinds of cellophane.

In emergency cases, these belongings should be secured because these will help you and the rescuers to identify you in many cases.

Emergency Radio

During the occurrence of a natural disaster, this is the time wherein you need to listen to your radio for essential updates and first-hand instructions from local authorities.  You need to grab recommended shortwave radios because this is a real emergency radio that has features such NOAA alerts, long-range, and as an alternative power source, which can help you with your situation.  This is not similar to portable radios that have only AM/FM radio, although it can function still during emergencies.


The best way to survive in a natural disaster is to have a plan and preparation before it strikes so hard within your region.  It is vital that you have the simplest means to protect your family in cases like these. Although disaster can strike without warning, being prepared will help you reduce your fear, anxiety, and loss.

Cristy Venus

I worked in sales for 20 years, learning the positive aspects of people and how to learn from their experiences. I like writing articles, exploring tech, eating and travelling.

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