5 Home Repairs You Shouldn’t Do Yourself

Unless you’re a licensed contractor, there are certain home repairs that should be left to the pros. Even if you are handy and skilled, you might not be the right person to handle various needs relating to your home because of regulations or simply because you don’t have the tools. In order to take some of the guesswork out of the equation, here are five home repairs you probably shouldn’t do yourself.

1. Roofing Upkeep

There are so many different types of roofing issues that could impact your home. Even if you think you can handle the repairs, you should book professional services for this type of upkeep. Not only does your roofing have specific needs best suited for pros, but you also need to be sure to mitigate your risk for any of the dangers that can accompany roofing repairs (like falling off the roof). 

You might need to replace portions of your roof, or an entirely new roof might be needed for your home. Whether you have a leak on your hands, normal wear-and-tear, or something more extensive, you must be sure to leave these repairs to those specifically trained to handle them. You will ensure the quality of your job, and you also will rule out any safety issues.

2. Electrical Wiring Work

Even the smallest electrical fix can be complicated and potentially dangerous. Your home’s electrical wiring is a complex system and repairs to your electrical wiring require proper training. Make sure you have any electrical repairs only handled by those who are credentialed and experienced in the area.

There are various safety issues that you could encounter. You can hurt yourself, of course, but you also could impact the safety of others in your home by taking care of electrical needs on your own. Plus, if your maintenance and repairs are not done the right way the first time, you will end up having to spend even more money to get your work properly completed.

3. Pool Work

If you have a pool, then you need to know that professionals should be utilized for pool maintenance and repair. After all, pools are an expensive investment. There is more than what meets the eye when it comes to your pool. It is a dynamic system with various parts and processes that credentialed and trained pros should handle for you.

You should be able to find qualified experts who can assist you no matter where you are by searching online. For example, if you live in Windermere, Florida, a quick search for “pool cleaning service, Windermere, FL” will give you a variety of vendors to choose from. 

4. Major Plumbing Repairs

Another repair that can cost you more money if not correctly handled is any plumbing repair you might need. When you handle plumbing on your own, you can further damage your plumbing system. If you do not work with pros on these needs, your entire home could be impacted, too. For example, you can end up with water damage to your home. Sure you can repair a leaky faucet, but installing a new pipe requires a lot more tools and know-how.

As with other needs presented in this list, your plumbing system actually is very complicated. You have issues that can be obvious, but you also have issues you might not be able to easily identify. Behind your walls and throughout your home’s foundation and structure, your plumbing system has a complex network of pipes and switches. A professional plumber is best suited for your plumbing repairs.

5. Foundation and Insulation

Various foundations and structural issues could develop for your home from time to time. Be sure you leave these types of repairs to professional experts, too. According to C&D, a company that specializes in concrete repair in Dallas TX, land stabilization and rebar work is very difficult to do well without the proper tools and expertise. If you take on concrete repairs, for example, you cannot afford to get this wrong. It can be very expensive to remove any concrete from botched efforts on your end. Similarly, insulation can often be toxic and perhaps be installed in such a way that it doesn’t actually work efficiently. 

Making changes to your wall is another type of improvement you should not handle on your own. Be certain to hire someone if you need to remove walls, replace or insulate any part of your walls, especially if they are bearing any significant load. 

Do Not Handle the Above Repairs on Your Own

Your home is an important financial investment. Do not risk negatively impacting your investment and make sure you leave the aforementioned fixes to the pros. You will save more money, too, and you also rule out various safety issues for you and others in your home.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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