5 Simple Things You Can Do to Improve Your Health

Staying healthy doesn’t need to be a tedious task. With these five simple tips, you can improve your health, confidence, and body by adapting to a wholesome lifestyle.

1. Be Proactive and Do More Exercise

Exercise is vital for muscles, health, and weight loss. According to the U.S Department of Health, 33.8% of American adults are obese. Though maintaining a specific workout routine can be tough, simple things like walking your dog, yoga, and stretching can pose several health benefits such as:

  • Proper blood flow
  • Low stress
  • Improved mood
  • Increase in metabolism
  • Strength
  • Hypotrophy
  • Improved sleep
  • Strong bones and joints
  • Enhanced stamina

When you remain inactive for some time, you are susceptible to experiencing severe health problems like diabetes, stroke, chronic heart disease, and high cholesterol.

2. Eat Healthy and Cut Out Junk Foods

A healthy you should begin in the kitchen. The most effective way of eating healthy is by focusing on the following:

  • Whole grains
  • Fruits & vegetables
  • Lean meat & eggs
  • Healthy fats
  • Dairy products

For example, replacing processed carbohydrates for whole grains provides better fiber, low fat, and sugar. It improves insulin levels, digestion, prevents hypertension, and enhances your appetite. Ultimately, choosing a diet that is best for you, whether that be a keto diet or trying intermittent fasting, will help you improve your health depending on your needs.

Fruits & Vegetables

Green veggies and fruits are rich in vitamins C, A, E, folic acid, and potassium. They provide adequate sources of soluble fiber to aid digestion and antioxidants to prevent inflammation. Also, folic acid within the fruits can prevent coronary heart diseases, lower blood pressure, promote weight loss, and reduce excess sugar levels (prevents diabetes).

Lean Meats & Eggs

We agree that a bucket of KFC chicken is protein, but the contents of unhealthy fats and preservatives can result in obesity. Instead, opt for natural proteins such as fish, beef, lamb, chicken, and eggs. They are a great source of vitamins B12, B3, B6, zinc, potassium, iron, low calories, and selenium. Omega-3 found in fish helps develop your immune system and heighten brain activity. Proteins in lean meat promote muscle development, strong joints, and strength.

Healthy Fats

Good fats such as avocados, peanut butter, canola, sunflower seeds, soybeans, fish, olives, and nuts are essential to the development of a healthy body. They don’t contain processed trans fats, which in excess can pose a threat to your health, such as fast foods and oily snacks. These healthy fats can help:

  • Regulate mood swings
  • Prevent clogged arteries
  • Lower hypertension
  • Control weight and prevent obesity
  • Improve brain functionality
  • Boost your immune system
  • Protect your heart from disease
  • Improve sleep
  • Combat arthritis

Dairy Products

To improve your health, stock up on a good supply of dairy products such as yogurts, creams, and milk. Milk is a good source of calcium, which is essential to the development of strong bones and teeth. However, opt for additive-free yogurt and low-fat milk as they are low in sugars and fat.

3. Improve Your Sleep Routine

Sleep is essential to your body function. Sleep deprivation links to several health ailments such as:

  • Fat accumulation
  • Reduction in brain activity
  • Cardiovascular complications
  • Seizures(in extreme cases)
  • Low attention span

To ensure you get the quality sleep you need, cut down on sugary substances, caffeine, and late-night movie marathons. If you can’t sleep comfortably, consider changing your mattress, dimming white light, or buying a quality husband pillow to keep your neck straightened.

4. Cut Out Narcotics

Narcotics such as alcohol slow down the vital functions of your body. While staggering and slurred speech may sound hilarious, excess consumption can lead to cataclysmic problems like liver failure and cancer. More so, substance abuse and smoking can lead to damaged teeth, poor skin, cancer, and brain damage. To improve your health, consider avoiding these vices.

5. Hydrate Your Body

While water makes up for 60% of the human body, drinking water helps hydrate your vital organs such as the brain, kidneys, liver, and intestines. It keeps your body refresh and healthy. Studies show that drinking at least 8 cups of water a day can:

  • Improve blood flow
  • Regulate core temperatures
  • Flush out toxins
  • Promote glowing skin
  • Maintains blood pressure
  • Lubricates joints and tissue
  • Increase production of saliva and mucus
  • Prevents dehydration

Besides, it’s good to carry around a bottle of water wherever you go to ensure you stay hydrated and healthy at all times.
The road to a healthy life requires dedication and a positive mindset. By following through with some of the five tips, in time, you will notice an incredible transformation to your body, mind, and personality.

Regina Thomas

Regina Thomas is a Southern California native and loves reading, music, cooking, hanging with her friends and family along with her Golden Retriever, Sadie.

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