5 Simple Ways to Feel Great About Your Home

Everyone wants to feel amazing about their home. You want to feel like it stands out and you want your kid’s friends to love being there. Overall, you want to feel comfortable in the home and feel like you can relax on the couch over the weekend and sip your favorite beverage. There are so many simple ways that will help you to feel amazing about the inside and the outside of your house.

  1. Be More Environmentally Friendly

A great way to start making the necessary changes to your home is to make your home more environmentally friendly. This can be done in simple steps at first. You could start a compost bin in the back of your house for food scraps rather than filling up the dumpster every week. Then, you could use your compost to start your own garden. Another thing that you could do is go through all the light bulbs in the house and switch them over to LED lights. Then make sure that you’re turning off the lights in the rooms when you’re not in the room. If you wanted to do more for your house, you could look into getting rooftop solar panels or getting your home better insulation. Doing any of those things could make your house feel and look more environmentally friendly.

  1. Find Your Favorite Artwork

Sometimes, all a house is missing is a little color. You could do this by adding color to the furniture, but that doesn’t always do the trick. Instead, go out and find your favorite work of art and put it up inside your home. It could be anything from an abstract painting to a rustic scene of a field. It could also be a sculpture. If your kids love to draw, frame their work and put it up in your home. Filling up your wall space makes your home easier to feel comfortable in because it feels more like yourself.

  1. Say Hello to a New Family Member

Maybe what you’re missing in the home isn’t something you can simply hang on a wall. It might be an absence of a pet. If you think that might be the issue, then find a pet that would mesh well with your family. If you’re an active couple, then you might want to look into getting a dog who could go out on your daily runs with you. If you’re busy all day and like to lounge around at night, then you might be more of a cat person since they’re more low maintenance and don’t require constant supervision. If you’re neither of those and you’re not really an animal person, but you still want a pet, get something that doesn’t require any work and get a fish.

  1.  Repaint the Walls of Your Home

If the home was owned by someone before you, the chances are that you weren’t the one who chose the wallpaper or the wall color. If that’s true, it might be time for a new paint job. Painting a room yourself can be a fun project that lets you get your hands dirty. Pull out the paint brushes and start painting! Keep in mind that certain colors bring out certain moods in a house. Red could cause anxiety, blue will calm, and grays will ease your stress. Find the colors that work best with the overall tone of your home.

  1. Start Playing Music in the House

Music can do so much to change the mood of a home. If you’re at home alone and you’re working, play some soft classical music to ease your mind into a calm mood. When the kids come home from school, switch it to something else (or keep the classical music going). Try playing music to set the mood of the house.

Your house should always make you feel comfortable and happy. You should never feel uncomfortable by the placement of furniture or by the art that you have up. Make sure that everything in your home is purposeful.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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