5 Things to Update if You Buy an Older Home

If you are thinking of buying an older home, you need to exercise a bit of caution. This is an area where you can get a very good price on a home. However, it’s also a potential pitfall that could end up costing you time and money. The key is to make sure it’s in good shape and upgradable. Here are the 5 main things to update.

1. Start at the Foundation of the House

The obvious first place to start with a home renovation project will be the foundation. Have a look at the area all-around your home. Do you see any tell-tale signs of cracks or unexplained shifts? If you should do so, these are early signs of foundation problems. Depending on bad they are, you may or may not be able to purchase this property.

If you do decide that the foundation can be fixed, you will need to call in an expert service to do the work. Depending on the age of the home and how bad the problem is, you can usually get the work done for a cost-effective price. Once you have done so, you will have completed a major renovation that is sure to add to your resale value.

2. Give Your Home a Fresh Coat of Paint

Your next major project that concerns the exterior of your home should be to paint it. This is an update that can make your home look much newer, cleaner, and presentable. The key is to pick the color that best accents the house while also blending into the style of the homes around it. This is another easy repair to raise your resale value.

3. Make Sure Your Wiring is Up to Speed

Your next step should be to inspect the wiring in your home. This is the time to make sure that everything is up to speed. You need to be sure that all of the switches turn on and off as needed. Check the switch box to make sure that all of the fuses are in order. If some of them are burned out or failing fast, replace them with new ones.

If the home you have just bought is an older one, chances are good that the wiring is probably original. This calls for a total home inspection to remove any potential danger that is brewing up with age. You can do most of the checking up yourself. If you run into an issue you can’t solve, you will need to call in expert service.

4. Make Sure the Plumbing System Still Works

Another area of high concern will be the plumbing system in your home. This is a major upgrade that will need to be completed in order to make your older home safe to live in. Check around the house for any damp spots, strange odors, leaks, or cracked pipes. These are tell-tale signs of a potential plumbing issue or problem with your sewage system.

5. Fix Up Your Kitchen and Bathroom Areas

One of the first things you’ll want to update in your home will be your kitchen and bathroom. You certainly want to make sure that your bathroom is in good order. If the toilet or tub is leaky, it won’t cost you too much to replace them. If the sinks and faucets are getting leaky or rusty, it’s time to get rid of them and put in new ones.

Your kitchen may likewise need a bit of updating. You can fix up the sinks and faucets and perhaps pay some attention to the tiling on the floor and walls. If it’s getting grubby or faded, why not tear it out and replace it with new tile?

An Old Home Can Learn New Tricks

If you don’t have the money to buy a brand new home, don’t despair. Much like a dog, an older home can still learn plenty of new tricks. You can make a series of very low-cost renovations to bring even the oldest home totally up to speed. Once you get started, you’ll be amazed at just how much you can do for a very low amount of money.


Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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