5 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Home

With spring comes a fresh start – and there’s never a better time to clean your house from top to bottom. Like many of us, you’re probably due for a deep clean. But where should you begin? Before you start to run around your home with a spray bottle, you’ll want to formulate a plan. Otherwise, you may never get to every nook and cranny.

Take a look at these tips and tricks.

1. Tackle Rooms Individually

It’s essential to use a room-by-room approach. If you pay special attention to each space, you’ll be able to clean more efficiently. So, try to choose a single location as your first area. It’s smart to tackle bedrooms before all else, as your household should be elsewhere throughout the day. You can use a similar checklist for each space. Plus, bedrooms have similar features, so you won’t need to break out different cleaners.

In any case, decide on one or two rooms to handle over a morning or afternoon. Then, move on to another set until you’ve finished the entire house. This way, you won’t miss any smaller corners that require a little more care. If you want to involve your family, you can create separate checklists for each person. Then, they can clean their spaces completely – and you won’t need to worry about much else.

2. Don’t Forget Outdoor Spaces

It’s important to remember your porch, deck or balcony. After all, that’s where you want to be when it’s warm outside. Before you revisit your outdoor furniture, you’ll want to clean those areas thoroughly. Use a hose to spray down welcome mats and sweep away any dirt and debris. You could rent a powerwasher to refresh dirty surfaces as well. Then, be sure to clean your windows and windowpanes.

It’s also smart to clear out your gutters and drains. If your porch has awnings, use a bucket of lukewarm water and soap to wash off any stains or spots. Once finished, you can set up any outdoor furniture. Remember to wipe off any dust before you take a seat!

3. Check Units and Appliances

A necessary part of your routine should be to check your appliances. Many of us don’t pay much attention to these devices throughout the year, so it’s crucial to double-check that they still run correctly. This way, you’ll know whether or not you need to replace your A/C unit or water heater. If you’ve experienced high energy bills or an influx of humidity, it may be time for a new system.

Plus, you’ll probably start to use certain appliances more often as the weather gets warmer. If you do notice any leaks or malfunctions, contact a professional so that they can take a look. It’s better to catch a potential issue sooner rather than later. These preventative measures can save you money down the road.

4. Organize Excess Clutter

Now’s an ideal opportunity to clear out your closets and drawers. Over time, we come across so many different material objects. From fuzzy sweaters to antique china, there’s a lot of clutter that we don’t use on a daily basis. So, why not take this chance to reorganize your house?

Before you clean each room, empty dressers and other storage spaces. This endeavor may take a few days if you work alone, so enlist your family to help. Then, go through every item and decide whether or not you’d like to keep, toss or donate it. Create three piles for every area. Use boxes and bags to gather potential donations – and don’t forget to label them accordingly.

Try to reuse and recycle as many items as possible. It won’t be easy, but you should also try to detach from sentimental objects. Those prized tea sets collect dust, and someone else may love them.

5. Handle Random Tasks

Let’s be honest – have you ever cleaned your grout? If you can’t answer that question, you’re not alone. Many of us skip random tasks because they’re too tedious or minuscule. But a genuine deep clean isn’t complete without these chores. So, it’s time to handle those easily-missed duties that you’ve never considered.

Use a plastic bag and a little vinegar to de-scale sink faucets. Grab a few wipes to disinfect TV remotes, computer keyboards and smartphone screens. You should do the same for trash cans, too. If you need to replace a water filter or install an ice dispenser, you could check off those items. You can even use a mixture of baking soda and white vinegar to deodorize your dishwasher.

We tend to focus on larger projects instead of these responsibilities, even though they can make a huge difference.

Use These Suggestions to Spring Clean Your House

When it comes time to spring clean, it’s easy to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Luckily, these tips and tricks allow you to make a tricky endeavor much more manageable.

Kalyan B Das

Kalyan is a web developer, a blogger and an online entrepreneur. He is the primary developer of this blog and takes care of all the technical happenings in this site

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