5 Ways to Avoid the Summer Time Bugs in your Home

The summertime brings many bugs, which can cause illness, discomfort, and possibly worse conditions, such as stings or earaches. To avoid these problems, there are simple steps one should take while outside during this season. For instance, wearing light clothing tucked into socks, hats over long hair, sunblock and insect repellent if needed, and shoes outdoors. There are some steps to take to prevent bugs inside your houses, such as keeping food in sealed containers and enforcing a clean-up schedule for outdoor areas like patios or decks. Washing hands often to avoid the spread of germs and illnesses. Also, remove standing water from plants that may attract mosquitoes with soapy water and calling a professional exterminator if possible.

Besides, the summertime is always a great time for fun in the sun. Unfortunately, it can also be filled with pesky bugs that come out looking to make your life miserable! To avoid these pests this season, consider following these steps:

Close Doors and Windows
Protect your home from mosquito bites by making sure all screens on windows have tight mesh. Install door sweepers under the front and back doors of your house—place a mosquito misting system around the perimeter of your property. Use mosquito repellent candles to provide a bug-free zone inside. If you have citronella plants, put them outside in pots so they can keep mosquitoes away from your home. For outdoor protection, invest in an insect zapper with lights to cut bugs while providing light for evening entertainment! These easy steps will help ensure mosquito control at home once summer gets going. But don’t wait too long because these methods may be more difficult or ineffective when things heat quickly.

Make sure all of your screens, doors, windows, and chimneys are tightly sealed so that they cannot gain access to your living space. This includes everything from mouse holes around vents leading inside walls or underneath floors. Also, up through fireplaces or downspouts near siding joints. Seal cracks where cables and pipes enter a wall. Caulk gaps between baseboards and floor molding block air leaks at junctions like doorways, corners, and stairwells. Install foam gaskets around window and door frames to stop bugs from entering.

Clean Home
Keep your home clean by sweeping/vacuuming floors, dusting furniture, and cleaning up crumbs on countertops and stovetops regularly to discourage them from making themselves at home while you are away. This includes under appliances like dishwashers, where they can collect unseen for months until the smell alerts you that a problem is brewing. Dust bookshelves near floor level. These areas provide nice secluded spots for spiders who love dark places with lots of crevices around shelves. For extra protection, sprinkle boric acid powder along baseboards as it allows for a barrier against bugs.

Watered Lawn
Outside, keep your lawn well-watered so that it does not dry out too much and provide a prime breeding ground for mosquitoes! The larvae of these particular pests can survive in as little as an inch of standing water. As adults, they are attracted to the scent of humans who emit COX (a byproduct) from scratches or skin oils. Once bit, you will break down this chemical hormone which attracts more mosquitos.

Inspect Repellant
Lastly, make sure everyone uses insect repellant when going outdoors. This is one method I cannot stress enough because if mosquito bites happen, there’s always been some risk that we could contract West Nile Virus. So be safe and apply those DEET-containing bug sprays liberally.

Final Thought
Insects can cause illness and discomfort during this time of year, which is why it’s essential to follow these simple precautions. When at home, one should keep any foods stored away in closed containers. Enforce an appropriate clean-up schedule for all exterior surfaces (i.e., back patio). Wash their hands often to avoid the spread of germs and illnesses. Remove standing water from plants or any areas that may attract mosquitoes.

The best way to avoid summer bugs is by taking precautions outside. Also, inspecting homes monthly and having a bug control plan in place ahead of time when you know bad weather will be on its way. To take care of pests inside the home, removing food sources like dirty dishes that attract ants is essential. Never leave pet food out overnight, so rodents do not come into contact with them. Use traps and baits around the house if necessary.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.