6 Best Places for Landscape Photography in India

With its diverse landscape and unmatched beauty, India is truly a photographer’s paradise. From barren land to lush greenery, there’s something to match every eye. Tall, snow-capped mountains of the Himalayan range in the north, golden sand dunes towards the west and rich flora and fauna in the delta region- you can find a myriad of distinct options when it comes to landscape photography in India. Here are the top 6 places that’ll be perfect to click some great shots:   

1. Ladakh


An absolutely sensational destination, Ladakh is the jewel of India’s crown. It boasts arid mountains, crystal clear lakes and water bodies, picture perfect Buddhist monasteries and bright coloured prayer flags swaying with the mountain breeze. The mystical vibe of the Gompas and prayer wheels is enough to keep any photographer inspired, bringing you closer in touch with your spiritual side. Not to mention the abundance of stunning landscapes for you to capture with your camera.

2. Rajasthan


From palatial grounds and grand forts to majestic sand dunes and the Thar desert, Rajasthan is guaranteed to be a photographer’s delight. The western state is so colourful with its vibrant festivals and local customs. The landscape includes wide expanses of sand dunes and desert land towards Jaisalmer juxtaposed with the lake city of Udaipur.

3. Varanasi   


Varanasi, popularly called by its erstwhile name Benares, is one of the world’s oldest inhabited cities. Its sacredness and holy value makes it a popular destination among tourists, pilgrims and especially photographers. There is an undeniable magic in the city – from people taking a sacred dip in the Ganges to wash off their sins to the stunning morning/ evening aarti along the Ghats. There are innumerable photography opportunities available, best captured with full frame mirrorless cameras (especially when shooting in low light conditions). You can shoot the rising sun from a boat on the river or just capture the serenity of this age-old city. Don’t forget to head to Manikarnika Ghat – highly recommended among photographers.

4. Hampi


Imagine spending your day shooting a world heritage site set against the tranquil backdrop of Tungabhadra River. Ideal for photographers fond of earthy landscapes, Hampi has been a popular destination among travellers for centuries. Rusty colours meet palm groves with paddy fields and expansive banana plantations here. Hampi will definitely charm you with its treasured ruins of old monuments, rocks and boulders.   

5. Kerala


Kerala isn’t called God’s own country without good reason. With stunning beaches, tall palm trees, serene backwaters and elegant houseboats, Kerala is undoubtedly one of the most photogenic places in India. Most popular photography destinations in Kerala include Cochin, Alleppey and Munnar. Even the smallest villages in the state are brought to life with a big dash of colour, festivities and local customs.

6. Spiti  


Most popular among motorcyclists and road trip enthusiasts, Spiti is often compared to being a mini Ladakh without the tourist crowd. If you’re looking to spend time with your camera in the lap of the Himalayan range, Spiti is the place to be at. It gives you the perfect mix of nature and culture, making it one of the most scenic landscapes in India.


So, quickly head to a digital camera store, gather your equipment and get exploring along the scenic length and breadth of the country.   


Anjali Dixit

Anjali Dixit, a passionate blogger, I enjoy my work and believe there is always a lot to discover in the world of Internet.

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