6 Things Your Child Can Gain from Learning Creative Writing

Writing is found to be an effective way to boost a person’s organizational and cognitive skills. It is also excellent training for using the power of persuasion, which can be useful in a child’s future career.

Moreover, studies uncovered a link between creative writing and students’ enhanced performance in subjects like science, math, and languages. It also contributes to problem-solving skills development and enhances a child’s discipline and confidence to succeed later in life.

These are only a few of the reasons why enrolling your child in a creative writing course can give them an advantage not only in school but for life in general.

Still unconvinced? Here are six things your child can gain from learning creative writing to help you decide:

1.   Enhanced Imagination and Creativity

When children grow into adults, their creativity starts to diminish. This is signified in the staggering change in their writing interests – from fairy tale princesses and heroes fending off evil villains to business letters and proposals.

To prevent this from happening to your child, you must make sure that they retain their imaginative state and hone their creativity continuously. To do so, you can encourage them to participate in creative writing exercises in class. They can also do it on their own, at their own time.

Remember that creative writing gives children’s minds much-needed exercise. It also promotes the ability to solve problems and come up with alternative routes. This also helps them process their thoughts that will eventually be useful in analyzing data and situations when they start their careers.

2.   Better Communication Skills

Many students have low grades because they have trouble understanding lessons and expressing their ideas. When your child engages in creative writing, they are able to explore a variety of words and phrases and practice using them in expressing their thoughts and feelings.

Expanding your child’s vocabulary through writing can also help them overcome consequences brought about by the technological advancements that tend to change the way people communicate. This includes smartphones and tablets that – while useful – may cause children to lose the required skills to communicate effectively.

In the age of instant messaging and social media, vocabulary continues to change. Some even think that emojis are taking over the English language, with more and more people – adults and children alike – preferring to convey messages using this language in pictures. This removes the need to use actual words and proper grammatical composition.

3.   Boosted Logic and Reasoning

When writing an article or essay, children practice their thought processing, planning, language, and organizational skills. Because the goal is to establish a clear understanding between the writer and the reader, a child must discover the most logical way of phrasing and arranging sentences in a way that makes sense.

4.   Complements In-School Learning

While some people believe that making children write is a waste of their time that could be better used for study, it actually complements academic progress. In creative writing classes, children get to hone their thinking skills and creativity, both of which are beneficial in academic settings.

Here are some subjects where a child who is trained in creative writing may excel in:


One of the most obvious benefits creative writing classes offer is enhanced language learning. These courses do not only help hone your child’s writing skills but also offer a way to sharpen their grammar and build a vast vocabulary bank. This can help them describe things more vividly and accurately.


Although writing and reading go hand in hand, it doesn’t necessarily mean that someone who is excellent in one can perform the same way in the other. Still, there’s an irrefutable fact supported by a 2010 Carnegie Corporation study that practicing writing can dramatically improve one’s ability to read.

Math and Science

Some people believe that learning creative writing is a waste of time that should’ve been used for studying subjects like math and science. However, several studies have proven the benefits of writing to the logical functions of a person’s brain that aid in the successful learning of science and math.

Based on one research, writing helps clarify sequential procedures, which are crucial for students to learn science and mathematics. This covers everything; from the photosynthetic chemical process to factoring an equation.

5.   Self-Confidence

When a child participates in creative writing, they are given the opportunity to assert their opinion and develop their voice. It helps them express their perspective without worrying about being judged, thereby boosting their self-confidence.

6.   Stress Relief

Millions of children experience trauma that can last an entire lifetime. On top of that, some situations can cause them to feel pressured or stressed.

Writing enables children to deal with those feelings and process any traumatic or stressful event productively. As a result, they recover faster and become emotionally healthier adults.

This fact has been proven by the events in the life of Harry Potter author JK Rowling. It was revealed that she previously struggled with clinical depression while writing the first book of the iconic saga. It was also a stressful time due to the birth of her baby that coincided with her volatile marriage.

Proof of the Power of Written Words

Numerous studies have proven the power of writing. It offers plenty of benefits for a person’s mental, emotional, and physical well-being. In fact, one study even confirmed that children who write 15 to 20 minutes a day could recover from trauma and gain new knowledge, skills, and confidence to reach for their dreams.

Derek Alam

Derek Alam is an SEO and a content writer as well. He has rich experience in content writing and writes quality content.

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