7 Easy Tips For Staying In Shape With Dancing


If you want to get in shape, but the idea of joining a gym makes you break out in a cold sweat, think about dancing. Dancing burns a lot of calories and the best thing is, it is fun! But, some people don’t stick with it long enough to get the results they want.

You can dance with your friends, but in order to get results and target areas of your body that need work, you should join a dance class. Whether you dance the pounds off at home or on the studio floor, we will give you a few tips to help you get to where you are going.

Tips for every dancer

  • Get the right gear
    • There is a reason why dancers wear tights and dance shoes. This is not just the dance uniform. Tights support your body. They fight friction and hold your body firmly. When you are trying to master a move, you want your body to cooperate. Dance shoes do more than protect the dance floor, they also protect your feet, and legs. If you are jumping or doing a fast dance move and your shoe sticks, your body will continue to move. This can strain your ankles, knees, or even your back. If you are dancing a type of dance that requires you to slide, your shoes need to be designed to slide in a smooth way that gives you the right momentum. You can often find good dance gear online at justforkix.com.
  • Understand your fuel
    • Food is fuel. If you are dieting while you are getting in shape, you need to know how to eat. Dancing burns a lot of calories. It raises your heart rate and it increases your metabolism. Protein is a long-acting fuel. It stays in your body for a long time. But a burst of activity may use it faster and you may feel sluggish. Carbs give you a fast burst of energy. So, if you are dancing you need a combination of both. If you eat only protein, you may drain yourself. If you eat only carbs you will have a burst of energy, followed by a crash. Until you get your eating pattern correct for your body, always carry a protein bar with you.

Photo credit: https://www.pexels.com/photo/dancing-dance-people-hip-hop-12312/

  • The importance of water
    • Everyone needs to drink plenty of fresh water. But this is even more important for a dancer. You need water; not sports drinks, caffeine-loaded drinks, or even juice. Water hydrates the body and replaces what you lose sweating. It flushes out toxins. Water even aids in the healing of the body and it has been shown that dancers who drink water get injured less often. It will also fill the stomach and help you feel full longer.
  • Use the buddy system
    • It can be very hard to keep yourself motivated. You start out strong, but as time goes on, you find more reasons to skip class. You need a buddy. The buddy system doesn’t mean you just hang out together. You make a deal to hold each other accountable for their actions. When they are feeling weak, you talk them into staying with the program and when you are feeling weak, they do the same for you. This should be someone you trust and you both have to agree to do it, and not to let hard feelings form over it.
  • Throw out your scale
    • It is not about the number on the scale. Many people do not see the numbers falling fast enough and get discouraged. It takes time for your body to release the fat it has stored. As the fuel is used, the body fills the space with water, when you level out, it releases the water and the pounds show up. Just because you do not see the numbers falling doesn’t mean you are not losing fat and gaining muscles. If you need a measuring tool, use a tape measure. Measure the inches that are coming off and you will be happier.
  • Try different dance styles
    • Maybe you signed up for Hip-Hop dance, ballroom dancing, but it doesn’t seem to do it for you. Try Zumba, jazz, or tango. There are many types of dance out there. If you are not having fun with one, try something else.
  • Time matters
    • Everybody is different. Some people wake up full of energy and ready to go, but after work, they are spent. Some people have full weeks with commuting and taking care of other responsibilities but they can fit in some “me time” on Sunday. Find a place in your schedule that works for you. Some YMCA’s open at 5 AM and stay open until 9 PM. Check and see what they have available. Or rearrange some things so you can go with a group. You may have to find the time, but it is worth the effort.

Now that you know how to begin, get moving. Those pounds will be gone before you know it.

Pavan Rajput

Pavan Rajput is writer. He has written articles on all niche including tech, pet, lifestyle etc. He loves travelling and reading books.

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