7 Home Renovations to Leave to the Pros and Not Yourself

Your home means the world to you. It’s your haven when you need an escape from the world. When it runs into problems, you fix them. You cherish all of the years that your house has experienced. Rather than look for a new place when your home is showing its age, you’re ready to give it an overhaul. Before you dive in and tackle repairs on your own, consider seven home renovations that should be handled by the professionals.

Don’t Get Up on the Roof

If you have been in your home for a long time, your roof will need attention. Before you grab the ladder to take a look for yourself, call in roofing professionals. They have the equipment, the manpower, and the experience to evaluate your roof. Roofers will be able to safely assess any weak spots or damage. Once they have given your roof a thorough evaluation, they’ll advise you about the next step. If you already know you are ready for a new roof, your roofing contractors can discuss colors, roofing materials, and pricing. They’ll take care of the work while you stay safely on the ground.

Stay Away from Electrical Work

Even if you have basic knowledge about wiring, it’s best to bring in an trained electrician when you are ready to take on an electrical project in your home. Leave it to the expert to do new wiring or put in new outlets. If you make a mistake when you do it yourself, you could electrocute yourself or cause a fire. Hire someone you trust to handle electricity.

Call a Plumber for a Pipe Makeover

Put away your tools when it comes to a plumbing overhaul. If you want the job done properly, it’s best to bring in someone with the skills, training, and experience needed to get it right the first time. Think of it as an investment that will offer you many returns. Your plumber can help you when you are putting in a new tub or shower unit. If you are swapping out an old sink in the kitchen or bathroom, your plumber will know how to take the best approach. If you are replacing aging pipes, turn to an expert.

Let a Contractor Handle Siding and Windows

Take a look at your neighbors. You’ll notice most have vinyl siding. It’s the easiest way to go for the exterior of your home. Vinyl is built to last. You don’t need to paint or stain it every few years. If a piece is damaged, you can replace it. It’s the most practical approach when you want to give the outside of your home a facelift. Bring in a contractor who specializes in siding to accomplish this huge job in a reasonable amount of time. Consider doing your windows at the same time. Most companies that focus on siding include windows as part of the package.

Drywall is Best Off in the Hands of Experts

Everyone has dealt with minor holes in the wall left behind by nails. That is the type of repair work you can take on by yourself. Get some spackle to fill the hole, let it dry, and sand it off. Touch up with fresh paint or apply a fresh coat to transform the room. However, call in a professional if you have a major hole and need to replace the drywall.

Bring in the HVAC Professionals for Furnace or Central Air Work

Your central heating and cooling units are essential. If you are swapping out an old system or installing central air for the first time, call a trusted HVAC team. They will be able to discuss your options, helping you to choose the right unit for you. They have the know-how when it comes to removing an existing system to upgrade for a new one.

Call a Contractor for Your New Addition

If you are thinking about adding a deck or putting on a new room, contact your favorite contractor. They’ll bring in a team of workers to get the job done on a timeline that works for you. Doing it yourself means stretching out the project. It also opens the doors to mistakes.

There’s nothing wrong with do-it-yourself projects, especially if you know what you are doing. At the same time, it’s alright to place your home renovations in the hands of professionals. A healthy balance of both will give your home the makeover you want.


Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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