7 Products that Are Way Easier to Order Online

Maybe you love going to the mall or shopping at your favorite big box store. Traditional merchants, often referred to now as “brick-and-mortar” establishments, will always be around. We will always need to “run to the store” for something, but these days, almost everything we can buy in a store can also be purchased online and delivered to our homes.

There is no waiting in line, no sales people to hassle you and no need to drive all over to several different stores to get what you need. Some things you wouldn’t think to buy anywhere else but online. Here are seven products that are way easier to order online.


You can buy a full-course meal online and have it shipped to your door. All you have to do is cook it. Online sites such as Blue Apron and Hello Fresh prepare healthy, delicious recipes for you. They include all the ingredients and portions for you or your whole family.

Both sites and offer various meal plans with a monthly membership fee. The need to shop is eliminated, as is much of the prep time. All you do is open the box, throw it together and cook it. This gives you many opportunities to try healthy recipes you may never have thought of.

Plane Tickets

Have you been to the airport to purchase your plane tickets lately? How about to a travel agent? It is so much easier to buy plane tickets online and even plan your entire vacation while you are at it. Every airline has its own website.

Travel sites like Expedia can find plane tickets and hotels at the best rates for when you are planning to travel. Your “ticket” now is often a webpage on your smartphone. No more carbon copies or pages and pages of information we used to receive or have to print ourselves. You get on your computer then you go to the airport.

CDs and Books

Remember when you could go to bookstores like Borders or Barnes and Noble? That was where you bought books, and that was where you looked to find new music. Good luck finding those stores now. Most of them turned into coffee shops and then closed for business.

Online retail giants like Amazon are now the place to get books and CDs, and they usually offer them at a better discount than the bookstores. These websites maintain your order information and send emails suggesting books and CDs you may like. New releases can arrive at your door faster than you could have purchased them before.


You might not think of glasses when you talk about buying online, but it has become quite common. Whether you are buying sunglasses or prescription glasses, buying eyewear online is enjoyable and efficient. Online eyewear vendors have many brands and styles to choose from for women, men and children. You won’t have to put up with the limited selections offered by most optical stores, and you won’t be pressured by annoying sales people to buy something that isn’t right for you. Contact lenses are also sold online at many different retailers.


Driver’s License and Vehicle Registration Renewal

Any state’s department of motor vehicles is the source of many complaints and the brunt of comedians’ jokes. People would rather go to the dentist than wait in their long lines and put up with the horrible service they seem to provide.

Many states now have websites where you can renew your driver’s license or your vehicle’s registration. They also offer state park passes and the ability to register as an organ donor in case of a tragedy. There are some services that must be conducted in person, but most people can avoid the DMV for at least a few years at a time.


Diapers are expensive. But if you have a baby, you can’t go without them! You can buy in bulk at warehouse stores, but buying them online will save you even more time and money. Diapers.com, which is administered through Amazon, has several programs that can meet your needs. You pay a monthly fee, and diapers are delivered right to your door. Other retail stores also have online diaper purchase offerings, which require a paid monthly membership. The only downside is you still have to change the diapers yourself!


Shoes might be the last thing you would want to buy online, but this, too, has become big business. Sites like Zappos.com have eliminated the worry about trying on shoes by offering a very liberal return policy.

We all try shoes on before we buy them, but we also tend to know our size in the brand of shoe we like. Online shoe retailers have made it easy for us to take a chance on something new. If it doesn’t fit, send it back and try again. Online shoe retailers can save you money because they don’t have to incur the overhead costs traditional shoe stores require.

It’s a new shopping reality out there on the World Wide Web. So many things can be bought with just a few clicks of your keyboard, and they appear almost magically at your front door just days after. Keep an open mind when considering what can and can’t be purchased online. You can still go to the mall and enjoy the experience if that’s fun for you. If it isn’t, you may never have to do it again.

Kalyan B Das

Kalyan is a web developer, a blogger and an online entrepreneur. He is the primary developer of this blog and takes care of all the technical happenings in this site

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