8 Things to Consider When Choosing a Stair Lift

If you have someone who would benefit from a stairlift, such as a patient who can’t walk a lot or have an elderly member at home, you should go for it. People with physical ailments and seniors often struggle to climb the stairs, and you know very well how dangerous slipping from a staircase could be. Therefore, if you are thinking about investing in a robust stair lift, this easy guide will enable you to buy the right one. Make sure to go through all the pointers, and buy a stairlift that is durable, practical, and fits perfectly in your budget. Go ahead and take a look at the aspects that you should keep in mind.

User mobility of the stairlift

The best thing to do would be to speak to the seller and explain why you need the stairlift. The better the explanation, the better the product will be. You need the stairlift so that everyone in the house can use it without any hassle. That’s why make sure that the product offers the safest mobility solution. Be firm about your selection, and let the seller know about the person’s condition for whom you are buying the stairlift. There are different types of stairlifts available, you might not have the right idea, but the seller does. Hence, talk to them so that they can help you with the best choices.

The different types of stairlifts for different types of staircase

The stairlift that you will buy will mainly depend on the type of staircase you have at home. So, a standardized straight stairlift will be suitable for straight stairs. Straight stairs will have no turns and curves. These stairs are designed for an immediate landing. Straight rail stair is easy to install, and they will be installed pretty quickly. However, if you have a curved staircase, the staircase has turns and curves, and hence you should for curved stairlift. This one needs to be custom-made. Let the seller know whether you have a straight or curved staircase, and you will find the right solution.

Always think about your budget

The moment you start thinking about installing a stairlift for your home, always make sure to do some background research in terms of its price. Stairlifts don’t come cheap, not that they are not affordable, but it is always better to know how much you would like to spend. Generally, the price for a stairlift will start from $2,950 for straight rail stairlift. However, when it comes to the curved stairlift, you can expect to invest $9,500. And that is the beginning price, mainly because they are custom made depending on particular needs and wants. If you compare the cost of a straight rail stairlift with a curved model, the first one is much cheaper.

The weight capacity of the stairlift

Most of the stairlifts have 300lb weight. Apart with that, the standard ones will come along with a standard-sized seat as well. Keep in mind the person’s weight who will be using the staircase and consider the weight limit of the stairlift that you are interested in buying. There are higher weight capacity stairlifts available in the market. If you need higher weight capacity, then that would consume more space for installation. Talk to the seller clearly if you require a larger seat or higher weight capacity.

What are the options you have at hand?

The choices that you will be offered both online and offline will differ in terms of shapes, weight capacity, comfort, and more. You should go with a stairlift that provides better support, convenience, and also optimum safety. You can custom make the stairlift as well as per your requirements, as the myriad of options may confuse you a bit. However, whenever you get in touch with a company to buy the product, they will explain each item’s purpose clearly. Learn from them as they are the expert in this domain. The seller will also tell you which options are the best in terms of comfort and safety if these two characteristics are your priorities.

You may go for a second-hand option

Second-hand options shouldn’t be neglected as well. You will find dealers who offer good-quality used model stairlifts. This option is suitable for those facing money problems or would like to save money because the stairlift would not be used a lot. If the person you are buying it for will not use it regularly, then a used model could be a good option for you. Ask the local dealer if they have any used models with them. Ask them about the condition, how old it is, who have used it, and then analyze the model on your own.

Who will install the stairlift?

Once you are done selecting the stairlift, the next question to ask the dealer is about the technician who will be installing it in your house. You should go with a dealer who has a good reputation in the market. The company should be able to send the technician in time in case the product needs repair, or even for the installation; the person must be adequately trained. The stairlift has to be installed safely. And this is why it is necessary to know who will be installing it. It is about safety.

Do some research

The last and the final thing to do is doing some background research. This handy guide has already let you go through the things that you must consider. However, it would help if you do some background research about the company that you will be buying the stair lift from. Are they available online, how about their customer service, take a look at the online reviews, talk to them to find out about their experience, and more!


Always go with a company that has a good reputation in the industry. You can ask your family and friends who might know a few companies. Ask for a quote, and keep a few options at hand. Only after you are fully convinced, buy the right stairlift.

Rudyard Kipling

I am a tech reviewer, blogger, and full-time writer as well. I love to write about the latest tech gadgets, social issues, and parenting. I am a foodie, surfer, and book reader.

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