A Homeowner’s Guide to Finding the Right Realtor for You

Buying or selling a home isn’t an easy or simple process, and it’s likely a major financial decision for you in either case. That means you need quality help to get you through the process. If you’re looking for a real estate agent, you want to make sure that you find one who has the right experience for your situation. Follow this guide on finding the right realtor for you.

Difference Between a Real Estate Agent and Realtor

You may think that the terms of a real estate agent and a realtor to be interchangeable, but they are not. All realtors are technically real estate agents in that they are licensed to sell real estate. However, not all real estate agents are actual realtors. What exactly is a realtor? A realtor belongs to the National Association of Realtors, which is an organization that requires a code of conduct and dues. Realtors are the only ones who can display a realtor logo.

Talk To a Lender

This is a very important first step if you’re looking to buy a house. It has several major benefits. The first is that it shows potential real estate agents that you’re serious about buying a house. The second is that it shows how much you can afford, which will significantly help your property search. The third benefit is that sometimes lenders can recommend agents that they often work with.

Attend Open Houses

A good way to find an agent while also looking at houses that you’re interested in is by attending open houses. An open house allows you to interact with agents in a working environment and see how they conduct their business. If you’re thinking about selling, pay attention to how the agent shows the home. They should be informative, knowledgable and friendly. You want an agent who is actively guiding people through the house and telling them about the features. You don’t want an agent who leaves clients to look around on their own.

Get Referrals

Getting a referral from a friend or family member is a more personalized approach to finding an agent. There’s a good chance that someone you know has either worked with one before or has a relative or friend who is an agent. It’s a good idea to make sure that the agent has worked with someone in your situation before. For example, the needs of a first-time buyer are going to be different from buyers who want to downsize or home-flippers.

Some realtors have particular designations that show expertise in certain areas. It means that they’ve completed additional training in order to get the certification. For example, a CRS is a Certified Residential Specialist, and it means that the realtor has completed training for buying and selling residential real estate. Another term is ABR or Accredited Buyer’s Representative. This means the realtor has extra training in how to represent buyers. SRES or Seniors Real Estate Specialist is someone who has trained to help buyers and sellers who are aged 50 or above.

Search Online

You can also start your search online by searching for your city and area. For example, if you live in Scottsdale, Arizona, you might search for a real estate agent in Scottsdale, AZ. This will also help you scout their online presence. You can check out websites and social media accounts to get an idea of how they promote their listings. You can also see reviews. A few negative reviews aren’t usually a big deal, but if you see several, then it might be a red flag.

Interview a Minimum of Three Agents

You should generally resist going with the first agent you encounter. Try to set up interviews with at least three agents. That way, you can compare what they tell you and find a personality that meshes with your own. Finding a professional and experienced agent is only half the equation. It’s a good idea to also make sure that you like their personality and the way they approach things. If their personality clashes with yours, that will only lead to headaches later on in the process.

Finding the right real estate agent for you can be a lengthy process, but it’s important not to rush to find the one that best fits your situation.


Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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