Adding Islands to Kitchen Renovations: Perth Expert Advice

If you’ve spent any time researching modern kitchen renovations, it’s likely that you’ve seen a number of island designs. An island is a crucial part of many kitchen renovations; most people love them because they are practical and aesthetically pleasing. A+ construction & remodeling and a well-designed kitchen island will offer plenty of efficient storage and give you a space that’s both functional and easy to use. Let’s take a closer look at why you need to add an island to your next kitchen renovation project.

Making a Kitchen Functional

Many homeowners use their kitchens in different ways; some people like to cook all the time and others simply prepare the odd meal when they can. In both cases, the kitchen is literally the functioning heart of the home, and it has to be a space where food preparation tasks can be completed easily. So, when you start to think about using a kitchen, it makes sense to look at an island to increase the surface area for food preparation and other cooking tasks. However, the functionality doesn’t end there because storage can be a problem in any kitchen. When you add an island, you have a wealth of untapped real estate sat directly underneath your extra working surface. Adding useful storage or appliance can be housed here to make the most of the available space.

A Closer Look at Food Preparation

If cooking and entertaining are a primary focus in your life, it’s likely that you will be spending a great deal of time on food preparation. This can be hard work, so it makes sense to design a kitchen island that can make this activity as simple and rewarding as possible. The countertop choice for your island will be essential in a kitchen island where a great deal of food is prepared for eating raw and cooking. A good choice here is quartz because it’s a hard-wearing sturdy surface and it’s incredibly hygienic. Quartz is non-porous so it will inhibit the proliferation and spreading of bacteria and other food-related germs. If you enjoy baking, you could opt for a classic marble countertop because it’s an ideal surface for rolling out sticky dough.

Adding a Kitchen Island Sink

One of the first things that many people consider when they look at kitchen islands is a sink. If you’re serious about food preparation on the island, you may want to add a sink to avoid moving food across the kitchen floor. The main kitchen sink can be kept clear for soaking big dishes and pans, and the island sink can be used exclusively for food. If you go this route, you may want to look at a dual vegetable spray tap that you can use to direct the water flow more accurately for easier food cleaning. This is a good example of creating workstations or designated food zones to perform essential kitchen tasks more efficiently.

Kitchen renovation is the demand of changing world. Every year new trends and designs are changing our kitchen area. What is the most stylish and easy-to-use kitchen design for you?

Cristy Venus

I worked in sales for 20 years, learning the positive aspects of people and how to learn from their experiences. I like writing articles, exploring tech, eating and travelling.

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