The New Additive Which Could Prevent Weight Gain

Those engaged in the war against weight-gain may have a new ally to call on. Scientists have developed a new hunger suppressing powder, which can be added to yoghurts and smoothies. The new ‘anti-hunger’ powder contains a modified version of an existing food additive. The powder turns into a gel once it’s in the stomach and could help people shed those pesky pounds by making them feel fuller than they should after eating a small amount of food. (more…)

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Repellents and Traps – Deterring the Dangerous Mosquito

Mosquitoes are among the most dangerous insects around. Although their bites are only just irritatingly itchy, they could actually transmit serious infections when they bite. West Nile Disease, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, and the Mosquito-borne Encephalitis are just three of the most frightening diseases that these tiny insects could bring. Mosquitoes are really scary to have around. (more…)

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Why Is IVF Travel So Popular?

The last thing on your mind, when you’re considering in vitro or even other types of fertility treatment, is travel, isn’t it?

You’re so focused on the possibility of becoming parents this time, that you might be willing to pay anything, to anyone who claims to have a solution. Stop for just a moment, take a step back, and consider why IVF travel is becoming a popular choice. (more…)

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Using a Hot Compress to Treat Eye Sties

A sty is caused by a bacterial infection in the glands found in the lower and upper eyelid. These eyes help in lubricating but once they are blocked by dead cells, oils, and other small particles. They can get infected.The earliest signs of a sty is a small hard area on your eyelid and can be accompanied by redness and pain. (more…)

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A Positive Attitude with Healthy Living

A positive attitude can be difficult to maintain. Working out and looking after your health is a good start. Starting your day with a jog is the perfect way to get motivated for the day. If you haven’t had breakfast before you go, then it will also kick start your metabolism, meaning food will be processed better throughout the day. (more…)

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