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Cool Themes for Kids’ Birthday Parties

organizacja-urodzin-delikatekoYou can never tell if the parents or the kids get more excited when the kids’ birthday parties approach. These parties are really nice to make and parents really do their best to make them happen and to make their little ones happy. Kids love to have some of the activities planned out for them and they usually have a theme. This theme makes the whole thing way more exciting. It doesn’t have to mean that it is a costume party, but it may just as well be. Therefore, here are some of the really cool themes for your kids’ birthday parties.


This is all about the decorations and they can be really easy and fun to make. You will need tons of cardboard swords to five out to your little guests, as well as the eye patches and the hats. These can all be bought at the stores that sell party stuff, but with a little bit of DIY, you can make it all by yourself. You should think about anchors, ropes, nets, shells and the like when you think about the decorations that you’ll need for this type of party. As for the food, it is obvious that the little pirates will eat just about anything.


This is a really interesting party theme that ca be turned into a really cute costume party. It is very easy to make animal costumes and it gives the parents a really wide range of costumes to use or even reuse some old ones. As for the treats, all the little cubs will like fruit treats, with ice cream, of course, as well as all sorts of different food that you can relate to the jungle theme. If the party is outdoors, make the garden work for you, but if it’s not, a lot of green paper turned into the leaves will be needed to make sure that your home resembles the jungle.3881317


This is, obviously, a birthday party that needs to be taken outside. It also needs a little bit of DIY on your behalf. Make solid wooden frames that resemble the two sided ladders and cover them up with a piece of cloth. Put a pillow or a mat underneath it and you have yourself a couple of tents that your little campers will need. Make a fake fire using wood and orange, yellow and red paper. As for the food and the drinks, think in terms of barbecue, marshmallows and similar things that campers will like.


There is always a superhero that is famous at the moment. However, you can make this one step further and let kids make their own superhero combinations and ideas. You will need tons of capes in different colors, eye masks in those colors as well and a lot of letters that can be attached to the shirts easily. You will direct the guests toward those items and tell them to pick their attire and think of the superpowers that they hold. The food for the superheroes is interesting, colorful and they will need a lot of freshly squeezed superhero potions in all sorts of colors.


The World of Disney Empire is really big and amazing. It allows many ideas for the themes and you can choose one theme that is related only to one cartoon or you can just use Disney as the theme and let it be interpreted by your guests in any way they want. You can get your Disney costume on line or even rent them just about anywhere. As for the decorations and the food, you should think in terms of castles, cupcakes, rainbows and stars. In other words, it is almost impossible to go wrong.

Costume parties seem to be the best way to make a kids party. It takes a little bit of effort from the parents but kids really love doing stuff like that. However, if you feel that making a costume party will be a just a little too much on you and the other parents, the theme itself will give a lot of fun to everybody.

Diana Smith

Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in topics related to health and alternative medicine. In her free time she enjoys exercising and preparing healthy meals for her family.

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