Cozy and Cost-Effective: How to Frugally Heat Your Home This Winter

If you are worried about paying your heating bill in the winter, then you must find ways to reduce your costs. When this is the first winter in a new home, it is the best time to make the changes that will save energy. Make sure to begin the process of upgrading your home before the temperatures drop so that you won’t need to work outside in the snow or ice. If you take a few measures now while it’s still warm you will find that keeping the heat in and the cold out doesn’t have to be as bad as it sounds.

Add Insulating Film to Your Home’s Windows

You can add insulating window film to your home’s windows to prevent cold drafts. Look for insulating window kits at local home improvement stores. These devices are in a variety of sizes, so make sure to measure your home’s windows. Some types of window film are designed for installing on the outside of your home, but other types are made for using on the inside of the windowpanes.

If you’re in need of cheap insulation fast, one of the easiest ways to add an extra layer or two between your home and the winter’s cold is to use bubble wrap. Simply use a spray bottle to spray a bit of water on your windows, and then spread the bubble wrap across them with the flat side against the glass. The water will act as a gentle adhesive and hold the bubble wrap in place, while the air-filled bubbles add a layer of insulation to help keep the cold out. The best part is that since it’s clear you can still enjoy the light coming through your windows.

Fix the Roof on Your Home

Use an extension ladder to inspect the roof on your home to determine if there are missing shingles or underlying layers. While it is easy to nail down a few new shingles on a roof, when the rooftop requires extensive repairs, you will need to hire a professional technician to work on the problem.

Clean Your Home’s Ductwork

If you have moved recently into an older home, then the ductwork is often filled with debris. Remove the vents from each room to wash the items, and use a long dusting wand to reach inside the vent to remove cobwebs, hair and household dust. When the air ducts are filled with debris, you can hire a company that uses specialized equipment to suction the dirt from the ductwork.

Use Insulating Devices in Your Home

Buy insulating devices to place underneath the electrical outlets and switch plate covers in your home. Use caution while removing the covers on the electrical switches and outlets to avoid a shock injury. With these insulating devices, you can prevent cold drafts along with reducing the cost of heating a room.

Prepare Your Home’s Furnace

It is essential to prepare your home’s furnace before winter so that you won’t need to make an emergency call to a heating technician like someone from Universal Refrigeration or a similar company. Buy a package of air filters at a local store that will fit your home’s furnace. You should change the filter at least once a month to help a furnace work optimally. Turn on the furnace to make sure that it is emitting warm air without making a lot of noise.

Have Door Draft Dodgers

To eliminate the drafts at the bottom of a door, use a draft dodger that is similar to a bolster pillow. If you can’t find these items in a store, then you can make these with fabric and

Kara Masterson

Kara is a freelance writer from West Jordan who graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.

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