Creating Home Decor on a Budget

Designing new projects for your home doesn’t have to be expensive. There is no need to hire a decorator when there are so many projects that can be built from a few craft materials or leftover items. There are many home decor projects that can be built or purchased second hand. Lumber from pallets is a good source of building materials that can be acquired for free or very little cost.


Paper Towel Tubes

Just about everyone uses paper towels in their homes. The leftover tubes can be saved and made into great looking wall decor. It takes very little effort and everyone will be amazed at the different types of items that you hang on your walls. This is a very inexpensive way to add a personal touch to your walls.


Using Pallets

Some of the best DIY room decor is made from pallets that have been recycled. A small sample of projects include bookshelves, coffee tables, picture frames, toy boxes, and potato bins. The lumber from pallets can be sanded, stained, or painted to give a variety of looks. Care should be taken when working with pallets and those treated with chemicals should never be used.


Lamp Projects

Increasing the lighting in a house always brightens things up. Lamps can be made from many discarded items. You can use a funnel, an old fan, bottles, old typewriters, and a variety of other items. You are only limited by your imagination with what you will be able to create. Just about any kind of item can be turned into a lamp with a little thought and planning.


Homemade Curtains

New curtains can completely change the look of a room. Instead of purchasing these at a store, you will be able to make your own at a fraction of a cost. They can be made without a sewing machine with just a little effort. You will end up with unique curtains in every room of your house that you can be proud to say that you made them.


Designing With Rock

Designing rock projects in the house will add a personal touch using very little money. You can make flower pots, fireplace trim, and accent walls. A water fountain can be accented with rock and it is possible to make a base for a lamp. This is another type of project that s limited only by your imagination.


Empty Chip Cans

There are many projects that can be made from empty chip cans. A necklace holder, sugar container, vases for flowers, and even a cookie jar. As you learn to decorate these containers, you will be able to find more items that you can create from something that would have ended up in the trash. Designing home decor for pennies is a great way to add beauty to your home. Some of the simplest items can become great creations.


Pine Cones

You can add beauty and a touch of nature by decorating with pine cones. You can make planters, little trees, picture frames, and a score of items that are easy to make. They smell good and will last a long time. You can paint them or spray them with varnish. These little natural beauties should be in your home instead of going to waste.


Second-Hand Stores

Buying decorating items second hand will save a lot of money over the price of purchasing something new. Just make sure everything is in good condition and clean. There are usually many second-hand stores in many areas as well as online stores that sell used decor. There are also many apps for your phone that are available to purchase through. Many social sites also have an online market that sells products.


There are many ways available to add decor to your home while on a tight budget. Taking advantage of natural items and discarded things are a great way to start.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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