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Do You Have an Indoor Animal? 4 Ways to Make Their Life Comfy

If you own a pet, then that animal is likely a beloved member of your family instead of just a simple animal. Keeping your pet indoors is often the best way to keep it safe and to make sure it doesn’t cause any trouble in the neighborhood or get hurt by another animal. There are many reasons why you might want to keep your pet indoors but if you’ve decided that indoors is the place for your pet then there are a few ways that you can make their life a little more comfortable.



Depending on age, health and species, your pet may need plenty of food during the day. There are time dispensers in various sizes to choose from depending on how much your pet eats. Keep the dispenser filled so that your pet can get food or water whenever it’s needed. This is an option to consider if you sometimes don’t have a lot of time during the day to make sure your pet has enough water and food whether it’s in the morning or evening. This can also be helpful if your loved one is on a diet and needs help restricting their intake.

Temperature Comfort

While you’re away at work, your furry friend isn’t able to let you know whether it’s hot or cold. Install a smart thermostat that can automatically adjust the hot or cold air depending on the temperature in the house. Think about the hair that is on your pet and the type of coat that they have though because some animals might be more comfortable in a home with a different temperature than you like to be in while you’re not in the house. If you are having issues with your heating or air then contacting a professional should be high on the list of things to do.

Let The Light In

Animals enjoy being able to see what’s going on in the world around them, especially if you take them outside to use the bathroom or get exercise or if they have been outside in the past. Keep the curtains open during the day in a room or two so that your pet can look outside. Make sure there are no cords from the blinds that can get wrapped around your pet’s neck. The sunshine that comes through the windows can often make your pet happier and active until you get back home.


Keep a few safe activities in your home that will keep your pets entertained while you are away. These can include puzzle toys with treats inside or a toy that your pet can bite on that doesn’t come apart. These items can help stimulate your pet’s mind while you’re not at home to play and provide much needed interaction.

Keeping your pet indoors can be a comforting experience for both you and your pet. However, there are a few things that you should do in order to make your pet comfortable while ensuring that it has everything it needs. When your pet knows that it’s cared for, then it can become your best friend instead of an animal.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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