Don’t be Caught off Guard: 4 Ways to Prepare for a Home Remodeling Project

Renovating is great when it’s done, but can be a challenge to your patience. Your house may be torn up for a while, and even the best contractor can leave things messy. Unexpected repairs or expenses can arise as well. Rather than feeling frustrated and edgy the whole time, plan ahead for flexibility and to maintain a calm demeanor. Preparing before a renovation in all the ways possible will make for a smoother project and will ease your stress through the process.

Don’t Make the Schedule Too Tight


If you want a project done by your Christmas party, work to have it wrapped up by Halloween. Start early. If the schedule is too tight and it’s a multi-step project, just one mistake by a delivery person or surprise found when the walls get opened up can completely derail your project. Understand that not everyone you hire will be able to adhere to schedule and make things work in coordination with each other. Make sure the contractors or services you hire are able to either stick to your schedule or be flexible if things don’t go as planned. Leave flexibility in your own schedule as well and don’t bet on having the renovation done by a specific date. Plan ahead for unexpected repairs or additional projects to arise during the renovation process that could take extra time. Just this simple change of mindset during a remodeling project will help you prepare for anything.

Plan for Mistakes


People make mistakes. If you’re getting product delivered, the mistakes can be multiplied up and down the delivery chain. The wrong product may be ordered or delivered, or the order that’s supposed to go to your house gets dropped off at your office. Again, leave some flexibility in the schedule and keep your humor. You’re going to need it. Also, remember to relax during the process when things like this arise. Don’t stress about the wrong bathtub being delivered. If you plan well and hire the right people, things will work out even with the little hiccups along the way. You can’t expect everything to go perfectly or else you will end up getting your hopes up and feeling stressed.

Plan for Surprises


Your new refrigerator may call for an updated water line. The new dryer may require a wiring update. Opening up the wall for the new sliding glass door may show that you need a termite treatment. It’s not fun, but you may be surprised by any number of factors in your renovation project. Surprises can be expensive, so don’t max out your renovation budget with product only. Leave some flexibility in your bank account for costs of extra services. You might even want to set aside a certain amount of money while you are initially planning out your budget to account for these types of surprises in the first place. Things can get expenses while renovating from unplanned events, so save up enough money beforehand and don’t plan on having a tight budget to prevent added stress.

Plan to Get out of the House


Living in a state of constant disruption can be exhausting, no matter how excited you are by the end result. If your contractor is someone you thoroughly trust, consider getting out of the house once the renovation is up and chugging along. Take a short trip while the water is off or the HVAC is being replaced. You can stay cool, calm, hydrated and bathed even if your house feels like a disaster zone. This is particularly important if you have children and there are tools on site. If you’re renovating your kitchen, don’t feel stress and attempt to cook in it or use the bathroom to wash dishes. Don’t be hard on yourself. Plan to eat out or purchase foods beforehand that can easily be prepared. This is something you might also want to include in your budget if you are tight on money. If part of the renovation includes refinishing wood flooring, plan to take an overnight trip somewhere. This will help you prevent breathing in harmful fumes or from feeling uncomfortable in your own home.

Your house will be wonderful when it’s done. Until it’s finished, your house may feel like a chaotic mess. Include extra time and money into your remodeling plan. This will prevent you running out of money and patience as you wait for the final result. Don’t get caught in a cycle of stressing too much during the process either. The stress and mess of a home renovation won’t last forever, even though it may feel like it. Use the above four tips for preparing beforehand to have the most smooth process possible and end up with the results you want.

Hannah Whittenly

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She graduated from the University of California-Sacramento with a degree in Journalism.

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