Energy-Saving Tips for Your Home This Spring

The start of spring is a time of new beginnings. Your family may start eating healthy summer salads instead of your usual winter crockpot stews. Everyone wants to get outside to run through the sprinkler and jump in the pool, but you might also look at your finances and decide it’s time to change your monthly budget too.

Before you try to reduce your grocery list, check your most recent energy bill. It’s typically the most expensive bill people pay after their mortgage or rent. It fluctuates every month and can become more costly in the spring when your AC turns on. That makes it the perfect place to start saving money.

Read about these energy-saving tips for your home this spring so you slash your electric bills. Use your extra money to create springtime memories with your family or save it for a rainy day.

1. Open Your Windows

The weather warms up a little more every day, but you can still enjoy the chilly morning and relaxing evening breeze. If the pollen count isn’t high in your area, consider opening your windows in the morning and at night. The outdoor air will cool your home naturally. Your HVAC unit won’t need to use more energy to fight the spring heat and you get to take a deep breath of fresh air.

2. Grill Your Meals

When you turn on your oven or stove to cook a meal for your family, it creates excess heat in your kitchen. The heat spreads to nearby rooms and forces your air conditioner to turn on more frequently. Instead, grill your meals in the backyard whenever you can. You’ll leave the heat outside and eat your delicious food in a kitchen that doesn’t feel stuffy.

3. Caulk Your Windows

Every window has caulking around the edges because it keeps your air conditioning or heating inside. As your living space ages, that seal grows older and can allow leaks that let in the hot weather. Caulk around your windows to ensure that your home stays sealed all year round.

If you’re not sure if this tip is right for your home, conduct a quick test. When your HVAC fan turns off, move a lighter slowly around the edges of your windows. If the flame flickers, you’ll know you have a leak and fix the problem right away.

4. Turn On Ceiling Fans

It’s tempting to turn on the air conditioning when you need to cool down but turn on your ceiling fans instead. They use less energy than an entire HVAC unit and provide immediate relief. Even though they won’t introduce cold air into your home, the simple act of air circulation will help everyone relax during the hottest periods of the day. Just remember to turn them off when you leave the room so you don’t waste electricity.

5. Try a Programmable Thermostat

Even if you rarely use your air conditioning, your old thermostat may drive up your energy bill by having a faulty sensor. Upgrade your home even on a tight budget when you try a programmable thermostat that uses the latest technology to keep your home comfortable. It’s easy to install on your own and can connect to your phone so you can track your energy usage anywhere, anytime.

6. Buy LED Bulbs

If you have extra lightbulbs in storage, check to see what type they are. You might buy traditional incandescent bulbs, but you can save more energy by switching to LED bulbs. LEDs are often cheaper and use 75% less electricity than incandescent bulbs, saving you more money and power in the long run.

7. Replace Your HVAC Filters

Every living space has at least one air filter and most homes have more than one. These filters are crucial to how much energy your HVAC energy uses. If you leave clogged filters in place, your air conditioner stays on longer because it struggles to circulate air through the layers of dust. Replace your filters at least every two months so you enjoy clean air in your home without driving up your electricity bill.

8. Remember Your Bathroom Fans

When you turn on the shower, it creates steam that fills your bathroom. The hot water also warms the bathroom, which can heat the rooms surrounding your bathroom if you have long showers. The next time you wait for the shower to warm up, turn on the fan in your bathroom to ventilate the steam. You’ll redirect the heat outside so there’s little to no reason for your air conditioner to turn back on after you leave the bathroom.

Try Something New

The key to lowering your electricity bill is to try something new. Use your bathroom fans more often, install a programmable thermostat or open your windows in the evening to cool down your home to see if you can get control of your electricity bill again. You’ll save money and learn better habits so you don’t need to sacrifice your comfort to save money.

Kalyan B Das

Kalyan is a web developer, a blogger and an online entrepreneur. He is the primary developer of this blog and takes care of all the technical happenings in this site

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