Green Tea Ice Cream: A Delicious Treat That’s Good for Health

Often people refuse to eat sweets as most sweet treats are heavy on sugar, calories and other unhealthy ingredients. Sugar and processed foods can account for many people being overweight and unhealthy. Most of us don’t want to do anything that would be considered an unhealthy lifestyle, so we stop before we can enjoy a delicious and sweet dessert. Nowadays, it is no longer available because there are now sweets that are actually healthy and can even prove beneficial to the human body and health.

A good example of this is the creamy and delicious green tea ice cream, which has other health benefits besides smooth, light and delicious taste Foods to Avoid in a Gerd Diet

Loaded with health benefits :

Many East Asians have long included green tea in their diet because they are aware of its many health benefits. Green tea can purify and detoxify the body and contains very powerful anti-oxidant ingredients. It can also improve the appearance of skin and hair by simplifying the detoxification process after consumption. It is also known to be healthy for the heart and reduce blood pressure. Some studies have even shown that green tea can help you lose weight! This is why it is now associated with a variety of confectionery.

When it comes to green tea added to ice cream, people can still enjoy the delicious dessert while eating something healthy.

Make your own at home

Eating homemade green tea ice cream can be a great way to enjoy the easy pleasure of eating sweets without feeling guilty about calming this sweet desire. Since green tea is very good for you, it is actually a reasonable compromise. Making green tea ice cream at home is fairly easy. It is much healthier if you make it yourself because you know exactly how it is and how it is prepared. Match is an essential ingredient in making this ice cream. It is a fine powder that comes from the fine soil from the green tea leaves. They have an almost powdery appearance when they come down to the ground. This helps to create a fresh and light taste of ice cream. Know more about candida diet.

Don’t forget the milk

Milk is another common ingredient you will see in making almost every ice cream. The general idea is that the more milk you get in ice cream, the more flexible it will be. Even for soft ice cream, heavy cream can be added. For fans of somewhat stiff ice cream, 2 percent milk is another alternative or even plain whole milk. Even the healthiest way to make and eat green tea ice cream is to make sure that all your ingredients, including the milk you use, are organic and free of hormones, pesticides and antibiotics.

When you choose to use an electronic ice cream maker, the process of making sweets is simple. All you have to do is mix all the ingredients you need and stir it thoroughly to make sure everything is well blended together.

Then, allow the mixture to freeze and you and your family will be able to enjoy a healthy and delicious treat with all the benefits that green tea offers.

Try this recipe at home

If you want to make your own green tea ice cream,

 You can try the following recipe:

To make homemade green tea ice cream you will need 8 eggs, 2 cups sugar or other sweet, a pinch of salt, 1/2 cup milk (whichever you like), loose green tea or cup match, and 2 heavy cup heavy cream First you need to beat the egg yolks (minus whites) with sugar and your pinch of salt in a bowl. Then, scald the milk in a saucepan and remove it from the heat source. Add your green tea or match powder and cover the mixture. Allow it to stand for about four minutes. Once your mixture is steep, use a mesh strainer and wrap it in a clean container. Press the mixture using a rubber spatula to get the liquid mixture out as much as possible. Then, add your heavy cream and bring to a simmer using a medium high flame. Gently ladle one-third of the cream mixture into the eggs and shake everything together.

Add the rest of the mixture to your pot and cook everything over low heat until very thick. It should be about five minutes or more. When it’s done, let your green tea ice cream mixture cool in the fridge for about two hours. Know more about types of hot water systems and take fresh water.

Now you can pour the cool mixture into the ice cream maker and process it until you get your beautiful, healthy and delicious ice cream that the whole family will enjoy.

Alex Ibrahim

Manoar Molla is naturally passionate to write articles on different niche related to business, health, travel and digital marketing. He writes article by day and read at night.

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