Healthy Ways to Lose Weight

When it comes to the moment when we realize that we have to get rid of those unwanted kilograms, the main ventures we reach for are hard exercising, “magical” diet pills, or even an exhausting starving regimen. However, those weight losing actions don’t usually produce results that we expect, and what’s even worse, they can create a tremendously harmful impact on our bodies. Hence, if you want to lose weight rather do that in the way which will suit your body, health condition and, of course, your physical abilities. Let’s see how you can do it.

Gradually adopt the changes

Sudden switching from “all day burgers” nutrition to one “meager” meal per day is definitely not the way how you should change your eating habits. This type of “diet” could stress your organism, and disturb your energy balance. So, instead of trying to lose weight with rigorous diets, start adopting small nutrition changes to gradually exclude unhealthy meals. Also, look at your new eating habits as being something you should get used to permanently; not only until you reach your desired weight. Start with eating more healthy options, such as: fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, protein-rich food (fish, chicken, beans), and try to proportionally reduce the consummation of fats and sugar.


Count and reduce the calories

When someone mentions the reduction of calories, most people usually imagine reaching for crash diets or skipping meals. These choices are not only unhealthy, but going on these ventures can result in opposite effects. If you want to lose weight healthy, the only factors you should skip (or at least minimize) are sweet treats, fat-rich and processed food, alcohol, and sugar laden beverages. This will result in entering fewer calories into your body.


When you consume 300 less calories per day, this can lead to a loss of around a pound per week. Before you start to count your calories, remember that the optimal daily calorie intake for women is up to 2000 and for men it’s around 2500 calories. While reputed personal trainer Amir Siddiqui from Dubai gives advice on paying attention to the quantity of food, and the number of meals you eat during the day. The ideal meal schedule is 5-6 meals a day, and should be spaced between 2-3 hours per day.

Be more active

Include more physical activity into your life. By doing this, you’ll give your body an opportunity to burn surplus calories. So, even a half an hour walk, a set of easy exercises, or one hour long bicycle ride through the neighborhood can melt fat without pressurizing your body.

Living Fitness

Weekly aerobic classes, morning running, team sports, and swimming are also very healthy, but not over intensive activities, which you can include into your weight losing plan. Besides those options, walking (instead of traveling by car) and using the stairs (instead of a lift) are the changes you can adopt immediately to start improving your body weight.



Nicole is a travel addict and she passionate about healthy living. She always seeks new adventures and she loves to share her experiences.

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