Hold the Phone on Stay-at-Home: 4 Benefits of Working as a Mother


In previous eras, many women were taught that staying home with their children was an important and ideal approach to motherhood. However, in today’s world, many women are learning that they possess the knowledge and desire to balance the domestic and vocational spheres. In many cases, women want to work while raising children yet aren’t sure if this is the appropriate approach. If this is your dilemma, consider whether the following four benefits of working as a mother would make your life easier or more fulfilling.

Career Advancement

One of the biggest benefits of working as a mother is that doing so will promote career advancement. While being a stay-at-home mom can be personally fulfilling, it will not help the individual develop the skill sets, social networks, and business knowledge necessary to climb the vocational ladder. Yet while in the vocational setting, women can learn new things, build their resume, and make professional connections that can empower them to attain raises, bonuses, etc.

Personal Growth

In addition to generating professional advancement, working as a mother can facilitate personal growth. This is the case for several reasons. First, entering the professional world can require a mother to overcome fears or personal anxieties towards things like public speaking and conflict resolution. Second, becoming a business professional can boost a mother’s confidence by requiring her to gain the knowledge and inner strength necessary to request a raise or resist harassment.

Financial Security

Another benefit that mothers can attain by working outside the home is financial security. Typically, domestic work is unpaid. On the other hand, working in fields such as marketing, education, and insurance can provide mothers with substantive income. This income can be used for a wide range of positive purposes, including saving for a house or putting children through college.

Good Modeling for Children

One final benefit that working as a mother can entail is good modeling for children. Oftentimes, children see their mothers in limited, traditional roles which do not convey a woman’s ability to grow and excel in the world. Yet, when boys and girls see that women can succeed in both the personal and professional sectors, their concepts of things like gender roles and women’s capacity for leadership can shift in a positive way.

In some cases, mothers know that working in the professional world will help their children learn to respect and admire women as strong individuals, yet are concerned about which educational programs to put their young boy or girl in while they are at work. If this is your dilemma, know that finding the right pre kindergarten program does not have to be difficult. Doing an internet search, reading online reviews, and asking family and friends regarding their child’s experience in specific school systems can help shorten and simplify the process of finding the right educational facility.

Once a mother begins considering the value of working in the professional world, it’s a good idea for her to weigh the advantages and disadvantages. Review the information outlined above so you can make an informed decision regarding whether entering the vocational sector would be appropriate for you.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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