Home Catastrophe: 4 Steps to Take Towards Recovery After a Disaster

While some types of property damage may be relatively minor, there are many instances when your home is severely damaged. The contents inside the home may also be damaged, and the home may not currently be habitable. Your current situation may seem overwhelming and even impossible to overcome, you can get yourself established on the path to recovery when you walk through a few steps.

Assess the Damage

The first step to take when property damage is a major concern is to assess the damage. At first glance, the damaged area may seem obvious. However, you need to determine if the home is safe enough to continue to live in and if it is a property shelter for you and your family in its current condition. You may also document the damage with your own photos before you take any additional steps. This will be helpful points of reference as you begin to recover and remodel any of the damaged areas. Once you have an idea of what you’re looking at, you can have a better estimate of costs and labor needed.

Deal with Critical Needs

After you understand the scope of the damage, you can take the next step to address critical needs. You may need to make arrangements for the immediate care of your family and pets. If the home is exposed to the elements, protecting it from additional damage is a property. You may also need to turn off a water supply, gas line or another damaged component. Reach out to a group of professionals such as FRSTeam by DKS Dry Cleaning Restoration to recover your personal belongings and assess the damage to your home.

File an Insurance Claim

The next step in the recovery process is to file an insurance claim. Typically, the claims process will begin with a phone call to your insurance company, but some insurance companies also have an online claims portal. Your insurance company may ask for you to send photos that you took. An appointment with an adjuster may also be scheduled within a very short period of time. This initiates the claims process.

Manage Your Finances

If you file a property insurance claim to pay for most of the home repairs, temporary shelter, and replacement for your damaged personal items, you typically will need to pay an insurance deductible. Commonly, the deductible on property insurance may be between one and two percent of the home’s current value. You may not need to pay the deductible until the contractor bills you for completed work, but you should plan ahead so that you can afford to pay this deductible as soon as required. Planning ahead will be for your benefit in the long run.

A home catastrophe may seem devastating, but many homeowners may fully recover from the issue within a few weeks. Some serious issues may take a few months to properly address. These steps will set the wheels for recovery in motion. It may take time, but before you know it, things will be new and fresh once again.

Meghan Belnap

I'm a freelance writer who enjoys spending time with her family. I love being in the outdoors and exploring new opportunities whenever they arise.

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