How Automation Can Benefit Your Digital Marketing

You may be wondering what you can do to become more successful in digital marketing. Well, you don’t have to do much! There are many ways you can automate your digital marketing so that you don’t have to spend hours every day on social media or worrying about your SEO strategy. This blog post will share how automation can benefit you and help get you the results that you want!

What Is Digital Marketing Automation?
Digital marketing automation is the process of taking functions of a marketing strategy that would normally be handled by a marketing team and using a series of automated programs instead.

This sort of automation reduces the workload a team has to experience, which allows for increased customer follow-ups, a decrease in human error, and a lot of time-saving.

While there is a multitude of processes that can be automated, it’s usually most common for email responses to be automated for potential customers that appear interested in purchasing a product or service. Automation is especially useful in the case of an email drip campaign, which often utilizes a complex array of interval-based conditions to work.

How Can Automation Maximize Marketing Results?
Automation can take a lot of the stress and busy work out of most digital marketing campaigns by providing automated responses to most communication-based inquiries.

For instance, it’s possible for automatic emails to be set out at specific intervals or under certain conditions without a marketing team having to physically keep track of current or potential customers. This is certainly true in the case of businesses that deal with inexpensive equipment that will probably need some sort of repair in the future. Construction equipment sellers, car manufacturers, and electronics sellers can all use data regarding when people are most likely to get their purchased items repaired and then send them an email asking them if they need any service done.

These businesses can then offer their highly profitable repair services.

Automation is especially useful when companies are able to collect substantial data about customer behavior. Depending on how people tend to act given certain conditions, automatic emails or responses can be sent out to check if people are in need of anything.

Automated responses are also quite good at encouraging social media engagement. Using a company’s social media following as a data source, it can be determined when most website users are online and under the conditions in which they’re most likely to interact with each other. Using this information, automated posts can be sent out at the exact time they’re likely to gain the most traction.

While automated programs are incredibly useful, it should be kept in mind that they’re only going to work as well as the instructions they’re given. Incorrect or questionable input will undoubtedly garner sub-par results.

Save Time
One of the biggest benefits of automation is that you can save yourself a lot of time. Think about how much you are spending every day on social media or other platforms implementing your marketing strategy. Imagine spending a large part of that time doing something else to benefit your business. Automation can help you to do just that!

This means that you will have more free time for other projects and goals.

As you become more experienced and grow as an entrepreneur, you will most likely need to spend less time marketing your business if you want it to continue growing at its current rate! You can set up your social media in a way that it gets updated automatically throughout the day. You can also schedule time for you to write blog posts ahead of time and publish them later (which will help you create more content), and you can use one of many SEO tools that automate a lot of what you would otherwise have to spend hours on.

Spending a lot of time on social media or marketing your business is pretty exhausting. Even if you love what you do, you may not have as much energy to put into it during the day as you would like.

Achieve Greater Results
One of the most important things you need to focus on as an entrepreneur is achieving your highest possible return for every hour you spend working. Automation allows you to do just that because it will help you increase your brand awareness and get more people interested in what you have to offer.

Here are just some ways you can automate your digital marketing for better results:

Publishing blog posts on a schedule that works best for you to keep you active in your industry and allow you to create content frequently
Scheduling social media posts to automatically show up in your followers’ news feeds
Using SEO tools to get you ranked higher on search engines and increase the number of people that find you when they are searching for a product or service like yours
Increasing engagement with your subscribers or customers through an email drip campaign
Increase Your Traffic and Customer Base
Another benefit of automation is that you can increase the number of people you reach on a daily basis. For example, you may be able to get more page views from one blog post than you would by spending an hour trying to market it yourself.

This means you will also see an increase in potential customers coming through your website. You can use automation to increase your email list, and you will be able to spend more time working on converting the leads you are getting into loyal customers!

Spend Less Money
Automation allows you to save money in many ways. For example, you don’t have to worry about hiring additional staff members or outsourcing parts of your marketing. You can also save some money by not having to invest in additional advertising or tools.

With automation, you can also save money by not paying for expensive software that you would need if you were doing everything yourself manually. You can spend more time on the aspects of digital marketing that are most important and get better results without having to spend as much money!

Actually, as earlier noted, you may even see a rise in revenue because you are getting more traffic and conversions without having to pay for them through ads or other paid services. What’s even better is the fact that you can set up your automation in a way that you don’t have to pay for anything unless you get results from it!


These are just some of the benefits you may see if you automate your marketing strategy. Just remember to invest in an automation tool that you can trust to work well and give you the results you’re looking for. In the end, you will be happier you took the time to do it, and probably even get enough time to focus more on what you love doing!

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.