How Does Work Stress Impact Young Adults?

Stress is a mutual feeling in modern life, and it affects people of all ages. However, it is more common among the younger generation. Anxiety transcends to workplaces as the millennials are the least happy people in their work environment. Stress is mainly attributed to many young adults focusing on carving out their career paths while also comparing themselves to others.

Work stress can be referred to as the destructive physical and emotional reactions that come about when job demands do not match the worker’s capabilities or the resources. Job stress ultimately negatively affects the health and well-being of the employees. In countries like Canada, the UK, and the US, work stress is the most compensated illness, more than even physical injuries.

This article deduces and analyzes stress and the potential effect it has on working young adults.

What Leads To Work Stress Among Young Employees?

  • Stress is a result of the lack of opportunity to learn and suppression of their ideas.
  • Lack of opportunity to exercise new initiatives and space to utilize their potential
  • Poor social interaction is another cause.
  • Change of management
  • Poor relationship at work between the employee and colleagues or bosses
  • Role conflict
  • Job content and demands
  • Lack of support from those in higher ranks
  • Tight deadlines and over super-vision
  • Job uncertainty
  • Harassment and discrimination
  • Working long hours and heavy workload

The Repercussion Of Stress In Young Working Generation

Stress causes physical, emotional, and behavioral problems, directly affecting both personal and professional relationships. It also causes defensiveness, lack of motivation, difficulty concentrating, accidents, reduced productivity, and interpersonal conflict between working colleagues.

Stress also affects one’s well-being, health, vigor, and mental awareness in the following way:

  • Headaches
  • Heart disorders and high blood pressure
  • Sleeping Problems like insomnia
  • Muscular tension
  • Backaches
  • Irritability
  • Abdominal distresses, like constipation and diarrhea, among others.

Several hypotheses have been researched on eradicating or reducing the detrimental effects caused by work-related stress, but none have borne any tangible results. 

Can Cannabis Help Relax and Alleviate Work-Related Stress in Young Adults?

You can utilize the marijuana plant for many beneficial purposes, the most useful being medicinal as a pain and stress reliever. There are more than a hundred compounds related to cannabis known as cannabinoids. For certified cannabis products, go for Herbal Dispatch.

When it comes to anxiety, there are only two varieties you need to know about: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC is, however, the most used compound compared to Sunday scaries CBD as it’s the compound responsible for getting you “high.” Scientists have settled that cannabis can help one to relax and reduce anxiety. You may find this a bit amusing to learn that the research to date on this question is mixed. 

However, one study in the United States found that low, moderate, or prescribed THC doses (the active chemical compound in weed) helped people cope with stressful situations by reducing uncertainties and anxiety.

Cannabis, currently, is one of the most used substances in the United States, Canada, and generally worldwide. 

Its consumers are heavily based on the young workers who recently graduated and the college students. The increase in use can be related to the intensified use of Cannabis as a stress eradication mechanism or recreation. The surge can also be credited to Herbal Dispatch, a go-to online cannabis marketplace, offering the best variety, superb service, comprehensive product education, and the best overall consumer experience. 

How Does Cannabis Relieve Stress?

A case study carried out by researchers from the University of Chicago and the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) investigated the effects of THC, which is the widely used form and the active ingredient of Cannabis, on stress. The research aimed to justify how young adults, not only the working class, could reap enormous benefits from the consumption of Cannabis to relax and relieve stress.

These two teams from Chicago carried out this experiment using different doses of Cannabis to gauge the levels of stress-relieving effect. Their sample group consisted of 42 hale and hearty volunteers stuck between 18 and 40 years. Cannabis packaging play important role in cannabis life and quality.

All the volunteers had involvement with Cannabis, but they were not regular consumers. This group was split into three groups, each having 14 members with their ages cutting across.

The groups were classified as:

  • The low-dose group was given a capsule consisting of 7.5 milligrams of THC.
  • The moderate-dose group this group received a capsule having 12.5 milligrams of THC.
  • The placebo group received a capsule containing no THC

The participants part in four-hour sessions twice, which were five days apart. They ingested the capsule and laid back for 2 hours to allow the Cannabis to enter the bloodstream. Furthermore, participants had to mock job interviews, thought-provoking mathematical tasks, playing solitaire, discussing their favorite movies, among other technical hurdles, during the research period.

Before the commencing of the exercise, the volunteers were asked to grade their stress levels. However, during the test, the researchers took blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol levels (stress hormone) reports.

As anticipated, the group that received a low THC dose reported the lowest stress level after psychological tests than those given a placebo. One also noted that the stress levels dropped almost immediately after the test for those receiving THC while those on placebo reluctantly dropped.

Nevertheless, users who received the higher THC doses reported a negative frame of mind before and after the tests. Also, the moderate group tended to pause during the mock interviews than the placebo group.

Final Thoughts

From the research findings above, it can be imperative to postulate that the participants who consumed THC experienced relief from distress and external pressures orchestrated by the researchers. This means the use of Cannabis can relieve tension, anxiety and, most importantly, reduce stress among the young adults in the working class are the future for sustainable growth and development of the Globe. In the ever-competitive and stressful workplaces, a puff or two will work miracles for the young Turks in alleviating stress accumulated in their jobs.

Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.

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