How Getting Outdoors Can Help Your Mental Health

Your mental health is a product of your living environment and your activities. Studies have shown that you might experience some calmness and relaxation when you spend time outdoors. Mental health is the state that determines how you implement and make decisions, how you can perceive situations and react to them, and also the capability to hold external pressure.
Some of the activities you can engage in during your outdoor adventures include hikes, picnics, photoshoots, camping, and many others. In countries like Canada, it has been established that one in five Canadians get mental illness in a year. The following are how your mental health can be improved through basking or having outdoor activities.

1. Stress Relief

Work pressure can mount, especially when tight deadlines and stressful workplace conditions surround you. However, this can be relieved through a simple walk in the park or a picnic. You might be awed by the wonderful effect of nature on your anxieties. It has been proven that nature extends a positive effect on people. You may experience a drastic change in your moods with a positive feeling of happiness.
Despite your low moments and probable depression, a nature walk will reduce the effects of such a state. Some of the symptoms that you get relief for include irritability, insomnia, indigestion, headaches caused by tension, and other psychosomatic illnesses. As measured via muscle tension, stress can be relieved by simply exposing yourself to nature. Other indicators for stress relief during this exposure include measurements of blood pressure, brain activity, and concentration.

2. Increased Focus

Apart from stress relief, nature also can improve the mental focus in your mind. This contact with nature restores the personal drive and makes you feel more focused. The contact also increases your energy and desire to excel. For instance, if you are stuck without ideas during your project development, you could take a walk to a park. It has been established that closeness to green places can restore the attention and concentration of individuals.
For people who engage in heavy-duty mental activities, such as software programmers, a nature walk can be used to clear the mind and restore the reasoning stream. This restores the capacity of your focus on the tasks at hand.

3. Sleeping Problems

Mental health is also hinged on the amount of rest your body and brain get. A well-rested person is bound to have a healthier mind and mental capacity than a person who does not get enough sleep. A good sleep gives your mind and body a rest from the toils of the day and prepares your mind to handle the upcoming activities. Lack of sleep sets up the brain for tiredness and mind clogging. When this happens, you might find yourself making decisions that are not well figured out or unsound. It is during this state of mind that accidents are bound to happen.
Sleeping under natural lighting can improve the lack of sleep conditions. Scientists have established that it resets the circadian rhythm. This then gives you a feeling of being refreshed after a good night’s sleep.

4. Grief Processes

If you are going through a rough patch in your life, be it grief, heartbreaks, or just a low moment, an outdoor adventure is what you might need. Exposure to nature will give you an improvement in how you cope with your grief. For instance, a stroll in a park will capture the attention of your brain. As the brain tries to process the surroundings, you then forget about your bad day and even start appreciating nature’s beauty.
Apart from coping, you also get an increased self-awareness. You can recognize yourself in the grief and where you stand in it. Whatever outdoor activities you might undertake, such as camping in New York or any other state, you will experience an improvement in your overall health and mental capacity.


If you are not a fan of nature walks, picnics in the lush green grass, sand bathing, or any other activity outside your house doors, you need to develop the interest. Outdoor activities will give you improved mental performance. It is also during these activities that you get self-reflection that is important for self-development.

Regina Thomas

Regina Thomas is a Southern California native and loves reading, music, cooking, hanging with her friends and family along with her Golden Retriever, Sadie.

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