How Moving To Spain Doesn’t Always Go To Plan


Read about the potential issues that can occur when you move to Spain, so you know what to prepare for, and hopefully, how to work around it.

Annually, lots of Brits move across to Spain for the sun, sea and welcoming culture. Around 31% of those who move say that they move in hope of a better quality of life. The majority of those who have moved are very happy there, with nearly 100% happy with the weather and over 80% happy with the environment.

There is every reason a move to Spain is right for those who take the plunge and change their lifestyle in this way. However, realistically, it might not be right for everyone. Some people do end up moving back and it is a really good idea to look into why that is, so you are armed with all the information you need to make an informed decision. Knowing what could go wrong also helps you be more prepared, and so, more likely to overcome those issues and make the move a success. Hiring some professional international movers is one sure way to make life easier when moving to Spain.

Here are some common reasons moving to Spain goes wrong:

Missing People You Love

Often missing those you love is such a pull home, it is difficult to resist packing up and giving up on the relocation. This is especially true with grandchildren in Spain and grandparents still in the UK.

Relationship Issues

Often, people move thinking that this new life can save a rocky relationship, or at least simply enhance it. A relocation to Spain is actually very stressful and is likely to show any cracks within a couple. If one partner was more keen than the other to move, this can cause further difficulties.

Expecting A Dream

Expecting this idyllic life with no problems and challenges will only cause an issue when you realise Spain is not perfect. Nowhere is perfect and holding Spain on a pedestal will only cause issues when the realism of life kicks in.

Working Life

You might be working longer hours for less in Spain if you do not hold a job online and need to gain employment locally. The cost of living might also be a bit of a shock as it is cheaper than the UK, but it isn’t Thailand and certain things do cost the same as in the UK.

 The Paperwork

The paperwork systems in Spain can be very slow and frustrating. You might find there are certain ways that things work that just don’t make sense, or seem to take forever. This can be quite stressful if you’re used to a faster pace of getting things done.

Property Issues

Purchasing property in Spain can be great, but it is fraught with risks. There can be issues with fraud where you don’t get the property at all, or with a property that has a world of issues that seem to continually pull on your finances. It isn’t unknown for people to order their things to be delivered across to a property that doesn’t exist, getting a phone call from their international moving company wondering where to deliver everything. This kind of stress can cause many families to head back to the UK defeated.

The Kids Struggling

Younger kids tend to do really well moving to Spain because they are social and they catch on to the language quickly. Older kids can struggle more, which can be really distressing for the whole family and often, the happiness of the kids long-term takes priority and a move back home to England provides an easy solution.

These are just some of the things that can go wrong when you move to Spain. Not all of them happen to everyone, and not everyone minds those issues either. What is important is to know that they might crop up, so you can have an idea of what to expect, helping to ensure the success of this major lifestyle change.



Julie Lord

I have a Masters degree in PPE (UK) and now research and write as a freelancer on a variety of subjects such as personal finance, home improvements and work-life balance.

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