How to Build a Glorious Picture Door

Decorating your home with wonderful images of your family and friends is very encouraging. There are moments that you would wish to keep on remembering an activity or an event that you were involved in years back. However, you still don’t want to go the old traditional way of hanging pictures in frames.  You don’t have to be worried, you can still make use of an old door and design your own frame that will keep your photos safe and open to being seen and the image of your home will be spectaculars.  Today things have changed and you don’t have to live in the old age anymore. Implement the use of door frames and you will love the results. Here are a few tips on how you can make a glorious door picture frame.

1. Identify the old door

Ensure you have your door ready to work as your frame. Therefore, if it needs repainting to much with the house colors, then this is the appropriate time to do this.  Redesign the door for it to serve different purposes.  Remove all the hinges from the door and keep it ready for the task ahead.  However, before you start applying paint, ensure that the door is smooth enough to hold your picture and not damage them. to achieve this, you have to sand it neatly and gently until it’s clean to your required standards.

2. Measure your pictures

Don’t just assume on simple details as the size of your photos.  Be careful, remember the design you put up will reflect the image of your home. Therefore, ensuring that your décor is up to standard begins with the size of your picture. You can just hang any photo; they must have a uniform size to fit the frame. Another thing, it’s good to use tapes when fixing the photos so as to ensure that the pictures are protected and easy to pull off from the frame when you want to change them.

3. Fit your frame to the wall

Your décor has to remain unique and engaging. Therefore the side of the wall you wish to fit your door must be able to accommodate the design and features you want.  Therefore, the walls also have to have a complementing paint that will show the pictures. Most importantly, your door frame has to have a size that is ideal and will not outdo the house. Additionally, when you are placing your photos ensure to follow on a particular line so that to avoid damaging the pictures when mounting the frame.   Drill holes in the door and make them uniform to hold the frame in place. You can do this using a cordless power drill. Check for the best cordless drill on BCDP tools review.

Now that you have what it take to do a perfect door frame for your pictures and still use the same resources you have. Ensure that you are creative and open to new skills as far as your decoration is concerned.  Door frames are unique and beautiful and when you do it right they complement your home and make everything fibulas.

Rudyard Kipling

I am a tech reviewer, blogger, and full-time writer as well. I love to write about the latest tech gadgets, social issues, and parenting. I am a foodie, surfer, and book reader.

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