How To Clear Space For Emergency Supplies At Home

This article can help you make space, should you ever need to clear space in your home for emergency supplies.


There are lots of reasons we all need to clear space in the home from time to time. New babies, selling the house, new pets and making room for people to stay, are common reasons to clear space.


Sometimes, there are more extreme reasons we may wish to clear space in the home. For example, we may wish to clear space for emergency supplies.


Of course, the Corona Virus has forced us all to think in this way a little more than we would like. But let’s not forget that it is always good to have some emergency supplies in your home regardless. At the very least you have some food and water to use in the future when times are hard. At the most, you have emergency supplies that could keep you going when you can’t get anything else.


To help you clear space for emergency supplies in your home, here are some key questions to ask yourself:


How Much Space Do You Need?

Before you make space, you need to know how much space you need. A really good way to do this is to get a container to put your emergency supplies in. A plastic box with a lid is really handy as it keeps things watertight. You can also stack things on top as most boxes are usually very strong. Once you know how big the box  is (or boxes are) you then know how much space you need to create.


What Kind Of Environment Do You Need?

Depending on the emergency supplies you want to hold on to, you may need a specific environment for storage. Ideally, a safe environment for most items is:


  • Away from extreme heat or cold
  • Safe from environmental emergencies like flooding
  • Safe from pests
  • Secure from theft
  • Secure from children or pests


This will help you understand which parts of the home are unsuitable for your storage items.


How Important Are These Things?

Often unless we are pushed towards a more extreme scenario, we can struggle to make necessary changes. You may not feel too inclined to sacrifice a crafts cupboard for emergency supplies. But if it came down to life and death, you’d probably be ok with it.

Once you understand the priority of your items, more opportunities for storage will probably arise.


Have You Decluttered Recently?

Sometimes we think we have more space than we actually have. If you haven’t decluttered recently then the chances are you already have space for your emergency box somewhere in your home. Declutter, and then reassess how much space you have.


External Space, Could It Help?

If you really have stripped everything back and still don’t seem to have space for your emergency supplies it might be time to think about external space.


External space like cheap self storage can provide you with space as small as a gym locker, or as big as a football field, plus everything in between. It gives you all the room you need for emergency supplies. Plus, they are always secure, dry, pest-free and climate controlled so the items will stay safe. Even better, you can usually find a unit close to your home so access is very easy in times of need.


Alternatively, if you want your emergency supplies in your home, why not clear space by putting items from home into a personal self storage unit.


Unwanted furniture, hobby items, seasonal items, sports gear and other bulky things could be placed in self storage to ensure you have the space to store the emergency supplies you need access to.


Emergency supplies are so important to have on hand, should there be any need to use them. Do reassess your home, do prioritise what matters and do consider external spaces. With the right approach, you can find the space to store these essential supplies so you’re prepared in the instance you need them.

Julie Lord

I have a Masters degree in PPE (UK) and now research and write as a freelancer on a variety of subjects such as personal finance, home improvements and work-life balance.

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