How to Come Up With a Special Menu for Your Next Dinner Party

If you have a dinner party coming up, you’re most likely committed to making it special for your friends and family. However, there’s no need to be anxious about creating a menu. There are plenty of tips for coming up with the perfect meal plan. Just follow these steps for planning the special dinner party.

First Things First

First, know yourself. Consider your skill level, available time, and dinner budget. Who are your guests – how well are you acquainted with them? Are considerations for age, cultural beliefs, or medical issues necessary? Does anyone have special dietary preferences or allergies? Do you know their likes/dislikes? Will they be receptive to new foods? How many will be attending? What is your comfort level with large quantity cooking? Will you need assistance? It’s best to consider all of these things before going forward with choosing the entree. There is also no shame using a purchased item such as bread or a dessert if you don’t have the time to prepare it or if you can purchase an excellent item locally. You don’t want to be overly stressed with cooking and baking so much that you can’t enjoy your guests’ presence. 

Entrée Selection

Keeping above factors in mind, the next step is the entrée selection. Whether a single item such as chicken or a combination of ingredients such as lasagna, this choice determines the accompanying dishes. The considerations listed in the first step will play a large role in helping you choose a main course that will be a hit with every attendee. 

Side Dishes

Does the entree need a companion item, such as pasta or rice to be complete? Then determine the side dishes to complement the entrée. Single entree items can have two sides. For combination entrees, one side dish is enough. Include bread to complement the entrée.

Picture the Plate

Now envision your menu on a plate. Does it look pleasing to the eye? Are there a combination of colors, textures, and shapes? Consider pairing hearty entrees with lighter foods. Balance strong and mild flavors. Make sure the meal is also balanced with a healthy combination of fat, protein, carbs, and vegetables. 

Pre- and Post- Dinner

The next step is planning the appetizers and dessert. Appetizers should not overpower the dinner. Don’t repeat key ingredients for the appetizer and entrée. If all your dinner items will be hot foods, focus on cold appetizers. Include a lighter option such as crudités and dip. The same considerations apply for dessert – splurge on a rich one if your dinner has been light. Or the dessert can feature items such as fresh fruit if dinner was hearty.


The last step is beverage selection. A trip to the liquor store can spark ideas. Also consider the acidity and flavor profile of each drink when choosing one for your meal. Certain dishes can bring out the best in a drink. Do some research and ask experienced tasters for opinions. Always include non-alcoholic drinks for each course.

By following these steps, you now have a road map for your dinner party. Acknowledging your resources and having items that complement each other will ensure your success.

Kara Masterson

Kara is a freelance writer from West Jordan who graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.

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