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How To Cope When Your Elderly Relatives Move In With You

If you have family members who can’t cope alone, it would be lovely to let them move into your home. So long as you have space for your relatives, this change should not impact your family life all that much. There comes a time in everybody’s life when they can no longer fend for themselves. When you see some of the major signs that your relatives need extra help, you need to approach them about it. For some people, the thought of moving in with you will be terrifying; they will think that they are losing their independence. You need to make the transition as smooth as possible so that your relatives feel comfortable. Here is how you can cope with this new phase of your life.

Talk things over with your family

elderly-happycoupleIf you have children, you need to talk things over with them before you decide to let your relatives move into your house. Remember that this home is the only one your children have ever known. It is a safe place for them, and they might not like sharing it with anyone. You ought to speak to your little ones and check that they don’t mind your relatives coming to stay for a while. Explain what is happening and why it is happening. That way, your kids will understand how important this change is to you.

Make room for them in the house

If you have a spare bedroom, you need to make sure that it is a suitable place for people to stay. Clear out anything that looks untidy or messy. Your relatives need space for their things, and so you need to ensure that they have loads of storage too. If your elderly relatives have loads of stuff, you might want to get a storage unit for them so that there is somewhere for it to go. That way, you can make sure that the room they stay in isn’t full of trinkets and things.

Prepare your home for them

You will have to care for your relatives when they stay with you. You need to make sure that your home is appropriate for them. For example, if they have mobility problems, you could fit a stair lift in your home. That way, your relatives can get up and down the stairs without your help. You might also want to get a stair guard or something so that there is no issue with your family members falling down the stairs. Spend a week or two prepping your house so that you are ready for your relatives when they come.

Assess what care they need

This step is a little difficult because you might not know what care your relatives need until they move in with you. You need to chat to them about what they feel they need at the moment and what you can help them with when they live with you. Sit down with them and ask them what they feel they have trouble with and how you could help them out. You need to know all the facts before you do anything.

Think about extra care options

If you don’t feel that you can give your relatives the help and support that they need, there are care options. You could have a carer come into your home now and then to help you. You should, again, speak to your family about this option before you do anything. Remember, having your elderly family members in your home will be a strain on everybody. Ensure that it is something you are ready for before you make your decision. When you know everyone is happy with the situation, you can move your family members in with no trouble.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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