How to cover your patio for a better look?

Having outdoor space is perfect in the hot summer days, but not if your yard is directly in the sun. If it is too hot, you cannot even use the space you have, let alone enjoy it. Therefore, a great idea would be to cover your patio, and here are some of the suggestions on how to do it.

A canopy patio cover

For a more minimalistic, clean look, a canopy is the perfect solution as a patio cover. It can be attached to the house, or detached from it. Either way, it is incredibly easy to put up, maintain, and clean.

A canopy is usually made of wood, but to your preference, you can make it from metal completely, mix metal and wood, or mix bricks columns and wooden roof.


Another excellent idea to cover up your patio is by having lush greenery as a natural cover. If you plant vines around your canopy, in just one season, you will have a beautiful, living canopy. Not only does the natural shade provide cooler temperatures, but it is far more enjoyable to sit underneath vines, than underneath concrete. The fresh air coming through, the fine breeze, and the sunlight seeping through the leaves will have you feeling like you are sitting in a paradise.

Add in some lightweight furniture to not overthrow the greenery, and some string lights, and you will find yourself in a boho-chic inspired patio.

Narrow slat pergola

Another patio covering is building a narrow slat pergola. This type of patio covering does not effectively protect from the rain, or snow, but it is a nice addition to your space.

And, even though modern pergola roof does not provide full shade, if you don’t mind a little bit of sunshine on you skin, and you like to soak up some vitamin D, than this is the perfect option for your patio. It is easy to install, completely maintenance free, and you can still enjoy your view from anywhere you put your furniture. And because of its simplicity, you can pick any kind of heavier furniture sets, that will not interfere with the overall look of the patio.

Wide slat pergola

Similarly to a narrow slat pergola, a wide slat one does not provide with a lot of shade. It is even more open, light, and airy.

It is a wrong assumption that a wide slat pergola serves no purpose. On the contrary, it is a perfect setting in a yard that has some natural shade, for example- from a big tree. It can be just a designated area, like an outdoor eating area, or an area for a fire pit. In a large yard, designated areas make the space have more purpose, therefore, this kind of patio covering can be extremely important when shade is not the number one reason to install it.

Sail shade fabric

This is by far the most versatile patio cover there is. Not only because it is easy to install and move, but because you can pick and choose the color palette, shape, size, material – it can be whatever you want it to be.

For installment, all you need is a sail shade fabric of your choosing, some hooks, and a piece of rope. You can attach it to anything, really. It just needs to be a hard surface, like a tree, a wall, or even a pillar of any kind.

The beauty of this patio cover is that you can move it as the sun moves, so that every minute of the day your patio and you are protected from the sunlight, and you can enjoy a full shade.

Retractable cover

A retractable cover is a more permanent solution than most mentioned on this list. It needs to be anchored to the wall, and, whether it is hand-operated, or remotely, you can expand it and retract it as you see fit. It is also water proof, and can protect you from rain or snow.

There are many types of retractable patio covers – covering only the roof, or having one or both sides – depending on your need. They serve as a great protection from the sun, but also from pollen, bugs, and different weather conditions.

Roman shade

Roman shade patio cover is a good option if you live somewhere not so windy, since they are so delicate. Plus, they give you the perfect amount of sunlight, according to your preference, since they are highly adjustable. Additionally, they give the space a sense of elevation, and a sophisticated look, like no other patio cover.

Whichever type of patio cover you end up choosing, you cannot make a mistake. In the end, they all serve a purpose of giving you a cool place to rest and relax.

David Fenton

I am David Fenton, professional blogger and informative content writer. He loves to write about Automotive, home improvement, & Business topics.

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