How to Find Study Abroad Opportunities in the Arts

The benefits students receive from studying abroad are enormous. They have effects while still in college and after graduation. For instance, 97% of those who study abroad found steady and high-paying employment one year after graduation. Additionally, 90% of international students got into their first or second choice for graduate school.

Needless to say, leaving your home country to study in another is a benefit to both you and those you connect with. Luckily, there are opportunities for almost every major offered at university. In this case, here are a few suggestions on how to find study abroad opportunities in the arts.

Where Do You Want To Go?

As they say, it’s a big world. There are plenty of places you can go to study the arts. What you need to figure out is the exact destination.

If you live in the U.S. you might want to stay local. So, you decide to study in Mexico or study in Canada. For the latter, you look into a company like A-Canada that has listings of available study abroad programs for the arts. Other third-party companies have similar programs for other countries.

Determine Your Study Path

There are many sub-genres to art study. The question is, which one are you interested in delving further? Is it modern media like cinematography? Or do you want to figuratively and literally dig deeper to explore ancient pottery and sculpture?

What you decide should help you put together a list of places where you want to study abroad. There are certainly global locations that offer more than one arts opportunity. As an example, you might be able to study with a documentary team that is recording an important dig in a former Aztec village.

See What Your University Offers

Your higher-education home wants you to expand your wings and see the world. It’s the reason colleges and universities have international satellite branches. If this is the case, then finding a study abroad opportunity in the arts might be easier to obtain.

You want to do your initial research within your major. Speak to your faculty advisor about potential opportunities and what’s needed. Sometimes, it’s a simple as applying. In other situations, you might need to achieve a certain GPA or have a minimum number of credits to qualify. Get this information ahead of time to avoid disappointment.

Review The Options Of An Overseas University

You don’t always need to go through your own higher education institution to find a study abroad opportunity in the arts. In fact, if they don’t offer anything, it’s better to directly review the options of an overseas university. Doing so goes beyond simply learning.

If you want to study at a non-English institution you’ll gain knowledge of the native language. In turn, you’ll also have a better understanding of their culture. It’s definitely something that stays with you beyond university. It can even help you reach greater achievements in the word world.

Apply For Field Research

Field research goes beyond the classroom. You can literally get your hands dirty through various forms of this learning experience. When it comes to opportunities in the arts, it means true immersion.

You might end up as an apprentice to a sculptor or painter. If so, you’ll receive a one-on-one education. You might be part of an archaeological team on a dig to retrieve ancient pottery or other pieces of art. Overall, field research might be a higher-end form of internship combined with more formal education.

Look Into Student Exchanges

Swap places with an international student through an exchange program. This is normally done at the university level with a sibling school. Make sure your university has such a program. If not, consider a third-party organization to help.

Student exchange is one of the best ways to imbed yourself into a new culture. You might be placed with a family while you study abroad. They’ll probably be more than willing to give your tours of the area. As a result, your level of education increases beyond the classroom.

These are just a few ways to find study abroad opportunities in the arts. Take your time to consider which one is the best for you to try. 


Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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