How To Handle The 5 Most Common Neighbor Disputes

Nobody wants to have a dispute with their neighbor but sometimes it just happens. It can be saddening when a good relationship turns sour over a relative minor issue but it is also very difficult to turn the clock back once the dispute has started.

That’s why it’s essential that you think twice before you say something you may regret. Of course sometimes this is the only way you’ll get the ball rolling on a subject that has been difficult to tackle.

There are plenty of regulation and assistance to help you resolve these disputes. This is a testimony to how many disputes occur every year. The 5 most common neighbor disputes are as follows:

1. Noise

An estimated 48% of neighbor disputes are actually centered on noise. This can be as simple as a teenager playing his music too loud, a wild party or even cutting the grass when two neighbors are on different sleep schedules.

The important thing when dealing with this kind of issue is to consider how your behavior may affect your neighbor and then talk to them regarding what they are doing and why it affects you.

Doing it this way will help you to stay calm and potentially deal with the matter in a civil manner.

2. Pets

The odd bark of a dog is unlikely to be a nuisance to anyone but if this happens all the time or your neighbor’s cat is always leaving deposits in your garden then you’re going to feel the need to say something.

Again this can be difficult as it is technically the animal that is at fault. Your assumption that the owner hasn’t trained them properly may be incorrect. They may be perfectly behaved all the rest of the time and a specific thing keeps setting them off.

Again, being civil with your neighbor and discussing the issue is a great starting point; you may find a way to resolve the issue.

3. Boundaries

Surprisingly this is not the biggest neighbor dispute although it does account for 17% of the recorded disputes. The usual issue is erecting a fence. Your neighbor may believe it is on the boundary while you may think it is not.

You can argue until you are blue in the face but the best solution is to contact a residential property surveyor and have your boundaries mapped. This will show where they are according to the information the state has.

You can then decide of the offending structure is on your land or not.

If it is you’ll need to talk to your neighbor, although you may find it necessary to involve a mediator or even file a lawsuit.

4. Unkempt Properties

If you work hard to look after your property and keep it looking its best then it can be very frustrating to see a neighbor that doesn’t. Rubbish piling up in the yard or bits of cars can be classed as an eyesore and even a danger to the surrounding homes.

On top of this an unkempt property is likely to bring the value of your own property down.

Of course this is a difficult one to deal with. If the property belongs to your neighbor they have the right to do what they like on their land within reason.

You’ll need to approach this dispute with a little more caution than the others. There may even be a good reason behind it that you can help with.

  1. Children

Children make noise and this is generally accepted. However, when they start to damage other properties or are particularly loud late at night it can quickly lead to a dispute.

Although technically the responsibility for the disturbance rests with the child; it is usually the parent who will be to blame.

This can also be a difficult one to deal with as parenting styles are different; there is not necessarily a right or wrong. You will need to take a cautious approach unless you want to make the situation worse.

In any dispute dealing with it sensitively and directly is the nicest route and the one that is most likely to build relationships with your neighbors. This should always be the first approach; hopefully nothing else will be necessary.

Ajeet Singh

I have extensive experience in community management, social media consultancy, child safety, and crisis management.

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