How to Help Your Child Adjust to Wearing Braces

Your child may have a difficult time adjusting to wearing braces. Braces can cause some discomfort and a bit of awkwardness in the way the child perceives himself or herself during treatment. Additionally, your child will have to adopt new methods of dental care and visit the dentist frequently. There are some things you can do to help your son or daughter adjust, however. These are some tips.

Discuss Discreet Options

Before having the braces installed, you can talk to your Roseville dentist about some more discreet options. This is a good idea if your child is having reservations about getting braces because of the way he or she thinks classmates will respond. Other options such as lingual braces or Invisalign aligners may be an option to make the treatment a little more discreet. The practitioner will let you know if other options are available, and you can then decide with your child the best way to go.

Make Wearing Braces Fun

Just as there are discreet options for braces, there are also options that can make braces a little more fun to wear. For example, you can ask about colored braces or brackets for your child. Some dental offices have braces with fun colors on them that will allow your child to incorporate a little bit of fashion into his or her treatment. For example, your daughter could wear pink braces and then wear clothing that matches the braces. She might even be able to get multiple colors put in and change the fashion statement every day.

Go Shopping Together for Accessories

It’s highly likely that your child will have to use special dental floss and toothbrushes to get the level of hygiene necessary to prevent decay while wearing braces. You can make the process easier for your child by playing a huge part in it. Take your child shopping for the necessary accessories and have a long conversation with him or her about the best methods of dental care. You’ll bond with your child during the experience, and he or she will feel more confident with all your support.

Buy Soft Foods That Taste Good

You can also make your child a bit more comfortable wearing braces by providing some fun foods to eat. Just because someone wears braces doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy some delicious foods. You can start by purchasing some soft foods that your child will enjoy. Examples of good foods to get are sweet potatoes, oatmeal, smoothies, and a protein shake. You can pick a vast assortment of delicious smoothies to give your child. He or she can have them in any desired flavor.

Offer Pain Relievers

Your child may have some discomfort when the specialist first puts the braces on. There may also be some discomfort every time the child has to get the braces adjusted. You can help them through those periods by offering pain relievers and supportive comfort. Ibuprofen is a common pain reliever that can alleviate the inflammation associated with the tightening of the braces. Tylenol is another option. It’s similar to ibuprofen in that it alleviates pain. However, Tylenol does not provide the best defense against inflammation. Check with the dentist or orthodontist about other options that might be available.

Massage Their Gums

Another thing you can do if you want to help your child adjust to wearing braces is to massage their gums. Take some time to massage them at least once a day to promote healing and tone down some of the discomforts that might be apparent at first.


There are many more ways you can help your child adjust to getting braces. The most important part is that you stay educated on the process and keep in touch with the dental specialist to have any questions you have answered. You’ll be glad you put your time and effort into keeping your child happy, relaxed, and self-confident.

Feel Confident About Your Child’s Treatment

You now have the tools to support and help your child through this time of transition. Take some of the tips mentioned above to heart and become an advocate of your child’s dental improvement.


Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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