How to Help Your Teenager Find a Job

High Schoolers and Jobs

When kids are in high school, they’re learning everything from mathematics to home economics. Outside of school, they’re learning even more. They’re learning what it’s like to slowly but surely become adults. Each day, they’re faced with new challenges, new experiences, and new problems. Every day, they’re learning what it takes to make it in this world on their own. One way to give high schoolers some added life experience is by encouraging them to get a job. That way they can learn the value of hard work, how to earn money that’s their own, and what it’s like to be a productive member of society at a young age. Here are five simple ways to help your teenager find a job while they’re still in high school.

1. Search for Jobs Together

It can be overwhelming for just about anyone to apply for a job. Imagine how that feels to be a high schooler applying for their first job ever? Sit down with your teen and go over jobs. Jobs can be found in the newspaper, on different websites, or even flyers at the grocery store. Be realistic with your teen about what jobs are best suited for their needs. Does your teenager love gardening? Consider a job in a flower shop. Does your teenager love to eat? How about a job in the foodservice industry?

2. Get Your Teenager Certified in Something

Sometimes, it’s hard for a teenager to land a job. That’s because there are people out there who are more experienced. In order to make sure a teen has the best chance of getting noticed, consider having them get certified. It’s something that will set them apart from the crowd. A food safety certification will show restaurants and other places that deal with food that your teen is serious about getting a job in that field. Most certificates are good for five years and therefore, working in the hospitality industry is something that your teen could get into for years to come.

3. Go Over Time Management Options

Before making the commitment to apply and accept a job, you need to come up with a plan with your teenager. First, help them come up with a schedule where they can work and still have time for school and activities. Make sure your teen knows that school comes first and the job comes second. Encourage them to find something where they can start by working one or two shifts a week and add more if they feel they can handle it. Encourage your teenager to remember that they’ll still have to do their homework and study for tests while they’re working.

4. Figure out Transportation

You won’t just have to help your teen find a job, you’ll also have to help them figure out transportation. If you’re a one-car household or you have a teen who isn’t a driver, then figuring out scheduling is key. If you can’t always be sure you’ll be able to pick up your kid from work then you need to work with them to figure out other alternatives. Is the job they’re applying for on a bus route? Is it within walking distance? Can they take their bike? These are all things that need to be figured out prior.

5. Work on a Resume With Your Teen

Creating the perfect resume is a skill that will last well into adulthood. Everyone needs to learn how to make one and it’s a good idea to get teens started sooner rather than later. Since a teen won’t have very much job experience, it’s important to highlight other great things about them. Include their schooling information, clubs they were a part of, volunteer work, and leadership roles.

Conclusion: Guide Them but Let Them be Independent

A first job is a huge step in a teenagers life. Chances are that they’ll do great but in the beginning, they’ll need some guidance from an adult. That’s why it’s important to help them get the job but then to let them fly on their own when it’s time.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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